The long term warning is that if the LPC wins a majority and fails to reasonably address housing or general living costs we'll be back in this same position next cycle.
My hope is for a minority LPC government with either BQ or NDP forcing them away from neoliberalism - if that fails it's a long shot that Carney will turn his back on neoliberal economics... but Canada (and the world really) are at the breaking point from neoliberalism and we'll either gracefully correct or fall closer to authoritarianism and violence.
We need change - and we only have so many chances before a fucker like PP wins an election based on economic discontent and fucks us forever.
Edit: Just to be super clear - fuck the conservatives. I in no way desire them to end up in government and my statement comes from a place of rejecting anti-trans hate and embracing a sane environmental response to climate change.