I have a feeling this was a kids room. Y'all are harsh, this would be dope as hell for a kid.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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Heck, this would be dopes as hell as an adult
It would be amazing if you were on two or three marijuanas.
The more I look at this, the more I like it.
No matter how closely I study it No matter how I take it apart No matter how I break it down It remains consistent I wish you were here to see it!
The dimensions of Gilman's attic room are unusual and seem to conform to a kind of unearthly geometry. Gilman theorizes that the structure can enable travel from one plane or dimension to another.
"The Dreams in the Witch House" by HP Lovecraft (1933)
There it is, saved me having to do it.
There's so much to dislike, but I think the thing that irrationally bugs me the most is the fact that they chose a 6 panel door and just chopped the top off it right through the panels. Instead of, you know, just buying a different kind of door.
and it opens right into an open stair... that's a tripping hazard.
Also the door position relative to the stairs. It's horrible and even dangerous.
That door doesn’t fit the opening.
It’s too narrow and the angle at the top is wrong.
Ngl, I kinda like it lol. As a kid I would have wanted a room like this so bad.
Is it bad that I would legitimately love to live there?
Of course not! It takes all sorts... 😉
Y’all are harsh. This looks like someone optimized the architecture of the space as best as possible. The only thing that bothers me is the choice of door where it’s chopping the panels awkwardly.
Without being able to see the other side, the door swing direction bugs me too. Like why does it open to the middle of the room blocking the stairs there, instead of towards the wall? Otherwise it seems pretty cool. Probably a kids room + upscale attic.
Probably so that the 3 hinges can be at the standard heights on the tall side of the door. The short side would have cut off the top hinge. But yeah, would have been nicer to chisel out custom spacing for the hinges on the short side
That would look better but the tall end of the door would be smacking into the sloped ceiling constantly?
Another benefit to the way it hinges is it is much safer with respect to the stairs behind it, since people don't typically walk through doors close to the hinge.
McEsher flipping houses now ?
I really want to see more angles of this room. It's so weird, and I just want to understand how weird.
There's a lot of angles already in the picture, you want more?
My kids would love it.
Man, this serious PBS Zoom show vibes.
Needs a lot of yellow and blue paint
"Honey, I got a killer deal on drywall and by god if I ain't gonna use it all!"
This is awful and I want to live in it.
I live for this shit
I'd have so much fun in this room lol
Idk, this looks fun!
Almost seems like something an AI would generate...
Why are there stairs and a ladder right next to each other?
For people who can't choose.
Are you talking about going from the landing up? I don't think those are more stairs on the left. That's the ceiling over the stairs outside the room. You go up the short stairs to the hybrid stairs/ladder to get to the loft area.
What if two people what to go up at the same time? :D
I already have a headache and this didn't help at all.
So that's what all the McMansions look like underneath the weird rooves.... that's interesting I guess, but the door has a different angle than the roof (maybe it fits the roff on the other side?). I don't hate it, but I wouldn't want it either.
Willy Wonka and The Migraine Factory
I like to think its a small slide. Ladder up to the top and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... owww.... into the ladder.
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A weird room. A weird room with corners everywhere. The corners everywhere made me crazy.
House of Leaves headass house.
i bet the acoustics in this room be bitching.
"Why yes, the house was designed by a paranoid schizophrenic. How did you guess?"
Whenever I see this strange designs all I think is, 'Plants, fill it with plants.'
I think I get it… they really like the chutes and ladders game and wanted a irl version!