
joined 2 years ago
[–] gon@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

Thank you. I'm very late but UPDATED!

[–] gon@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Streaming Lossless

[–] gon@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

kinda looks like Demi Lovato

[–] gon@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

this looks awesome

[–] gon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

Saw this on Twitter just a minute ago. So awesome!!

[–] gon@lemmy.world 9 points 2 years ago
[–] gon@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

GOAT behaviour (I'm a takodachi)

[–] gon@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

Well, there are plenty of awesome things that can happen and do exist.

First of all, cryptids might actually exist. Maybe not the most famous ones that have been searched for for decades, but what about all the other cryptids that pop up once in a while? It's exceedingly unlikely they exist, sure, but is a huge moth that kinda resembles a person in bad lighting somewhere really impossible? Mayhap.

But the rest, I think explaining things is great! Why do you think ghosts and demons are cool? Personally, I think human psychology is very cool, and science is cool. Explaining ghosts and demons with carbon monoxide poisoning is cool, in my opinion... Even ghosts, if they were real, might have a scientific explanation. We'd certainly look for one!

Maybe what you're saying is that you wish things that we just couldn't explain existed? But the reality is that there have always been, and there will always be things that we cannot know and cannot explain yet. It used to be ghosts, cryptids, and demons, now it's some quantum stuff I think, and black holes or whatever. Maybe you should just look at the things we don't understand yet, and you'll find there's plenty of wonder and creepiness and weird implications and possibilities. IDK, just saying.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/4326326

This is a pretty cool movie.

The plot is very interesting, and there's tons of tension! Definitely keeps you on your toes as the pressure mounts for the main characters, especially in the undercover scenes. There wasn't really a point where I thought anything in the main storyline didn't make sense; the motivations of the characters are as clear as they should be, and the emotional weight of the story is perfectly translated every time. The immense stress that they're under is very compelling, and the inner struggle of the characters is fantastically depicted.

That being said, I thought some of the side characters and side plots were superfluous, not developed enough, or just straight up didn't make sense. Inspector Lau's fiancé's novel is a bit on the nose, and Yan's relationship with his psychiatrist came out of nowhere.

The acting was pretty good, especially for the two main characters and their respective handles. Some side characters were also pretty cool, I really loved Chapman To in particular.

The cinematography had some highs for sure, but also some lows. There were some shot transitions that looked like someone just pulled up WMM.

Overall, it's a cool film. I decided to watch it because it's highly rated and from Hong Kong. I'd previously watched Chungking Express and In the Mood for Love and absolutely loved them, but Infernal Affairs simply doesn't compare. It's OK, and definitely worth a watch, but it didn't blow me away.

What do you think?

Rating: 3/5

[–] gon@lemmy.world 24 points 2 years ago

Literally this.

[–] gon@lemmy.world 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Do they? Well most people dislike dentists because it's very uncomfortable to have someone messing about in your mouth, and many things dentists do (cleanings, some surgeries) hurt or leave you uncomfortable for a long time after, and most people think of it as mostly aesthetic. Compared to say, a surgeon that might be similar but is saving your life, or a family medicine doc that at most puts a piece of wood on your tongue.

Also, dentists go to dentist school, not med school (in most countries at least). Dent is easier to get into, and is usually a shorter time to get your degree. Some people think this devalues dentistry, and say dentists aren't as good as "regular" doctors because of that. It's not valid, dentists are very good at what they do, so don't stress it.

[–] gon@lemmy.world 110 points 2 years ago (4 children)

the dude trying not to shit

[–] gon@lemmy.world 8 points 2 years ago

Check out this awesome video by General Hay on YT!

[REVIEW] Being Dead - When Horses Would Run (external-content.duckduckgo.com)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by gon@lemmy.world to c/music@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2586788

Good music.

This is a nice project. I really like the vocals, Cody's more masculine voice and Juli's very feminine tone mix perfectly, and their harmonies are divine. That being said, individually they're both pretty good singers, though Juli is quite a bit better than Cody. The rhythms are pretty cool too, they mostly sing in a very "traditional" way, very melodic, but they also go for weirder rhythms once in a while, like in the song Muriel's Big Day Off, which I thought was cool. Regardless, they always sing their hearts out.

The lyrics are also pretty interesting. The songs strike me as rather spiritual in nature, even when they don't mention religion or spirituality. They're pretty abstract, which I think is pretty nice and matches well with the ethereal vocals. Some songs tackle themes of hope, continuing despite things not going your way, loneliness... It feels nice to listen to this, at least on that level.

The instrumentals are where this album falls short. There's some passages where they go for something a bit different and it goes great, but there's just a lot of strumming guitars and muted drums basically all the time. It stars to feel like a background hum, and it just gets annoying. I guess it has a sort of lo-fi charm to it? I don't know.

Overall, I think it's a nice album with great vocals, interesting lyrics, and lots of emotion.

What do you think?

Best song: The Great American Picnic
Worst song: Oklahoma Nova Scotia
Rating: 3/5

Listen on YT Music!


This is a list:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
This is a list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4

I don't know how many of you are familiar with this audio drama called The Magnus Archives (often abbreviated as MAG).

Not to get into spoiler territory, but the basic plot of MAG is that there's a set of evil entities, one of which is called The Eye. The Eye is the manifestation of the fear of being watched, exposed, followed, of having secrets known, but also the drive to know and understand, even if your discoveries might destroy you.


Oh, you're not convinced? Ok. Entities have avatars, which are basically people who have a deep connection with the entities, and often embody what the entities represent. Who are the avatars of The Eye? Oh, just


Yes, The Archivist is a notable avatar of The Eye, whose function is to record statements from people. Shiorin is the archiver, which I suppose is lEgaLlY DisTinCT. Just a coincidence, right?

Except The Eye has another avatar... Wanna know what that one's all about?

From the wiki:

[This avatar is] an avatar of the Eye with the ability to view any events or thoughts at will, as well as the ability to place information into other peoples' minds. By placing his eyes into the head of someone else, he takes control of their body, ensuring that he is always the 'heart of the institute'.

Did you read that right? By placing his eyes into the head of someone else, he takes control of their body. And what is Shiorin's most notable feature? Oh, just HER EYES. Pic related.

Shiorin's eyes.

Oh but there's more. Here's some things associated with The Eye and being its avatar:

  • Insomnia
  • Hearing voices and being generally insane
  • Having different voices
  • Obsession with seeing things you shouldn't see

Shiorin has stated she suffers from insomnia, also that people don't think her voice is real (has different and unnatural voices), she's clearly insane (I don't think I have to justify this), and she likes the microscope (seeing things that are too small to see normally) and has requested to see our cells and biology. This is CLEAR AND OBVIOUS avatar of The Eye behaviour.

In conclusion

Shiori Novella is the embodiment of The Eye, and must be contained at all costs. She is manipulative, extremely dangerous, and her continued existence is likely to lead to the end of the world. It is my personal belief that the only way to stop her and her evil objectives is to subscribe to her channel and support her VTuber activities (action to the contrary may enrage her and result in our doom).


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2350702

Insane and interesting production!!

The production really is the crowning jewel of this project. There's quite a bit of variety; some are very melodic, some get pretty loud and distorted. There's a lot of different sounds used in the beats too, reminiscent of those singer-songwriter songs, bedroom pop. There's some very nice vocal chops spliced in, there really is a bit of everything, and it's really nice.

The rapping and singing is great as well. Beenzino himself can pull off some nice flows, but I don't really like most of the features. I must admit that I do not know Korean ~(I~ ~just~ ~translated~ ~the~ ~lyrics)~, so maybe it's actually really awkward, but it sounds good at least. Maybe a bit too much ad-libbing going on though. Still, he sounds very good on every track.

The lyrics are interesting too. The whole album just has this odd melancholic vibe to it. Beenzino talks about desperation, how boring he thinks his life is, and about making it big. He reflects on his past mistakes, particularly at the end of the album when he talks about his addiction and getting a second chance to do things right. There's also a lot about the overwhelming anxiety that comes with trying to make it in the industry, and the pressure that comes with the prospect of failing.

Overall, I'd say this is a nice album, definitely worth checking out. Still, there's a lot that doesn't quite work.

What do you think?

Best song: In Bed/Makgulli
Worst song: Change
Rating: 3/5

Listen on SoundCloud!

[REVIEW] Nas - Illmatic (upload.wikimedia.org)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2195729

Iconic for good reason!

It's a bit of an old-school style, which makes sense considering it's a 29 year old project, but I wouldn't even say it sounds particularly dated.

The production is simply put: ICONIC! Very melodic, heavy on keys, and tons of vocal samples as well. Very chill. It's just very pleasant and easy-to-stomach, which actually really contrasts with more recent hip-hop, which can get pretty industrial and loud with it's production. Not Illmatic. I think it's what they call boom bap, but I'm not particularly knowledgeable about genres/styles.

The rapping is also immaculate, of course, it's Nasty Nas after all. He's very technically proficient and pulls out a few different flows, though I must say he goes for a very 1994 style every time. The lyrics don't fall behind either. Plenty of fun and sharp similes every verse; notable exception being the one about being bisexual.

The message is great too. A lot of love for New York and talking about living and growing up in New York, a lot of bragging and talking about his success. He talks of his struggles, but also finds time to brag about his abilities and success.

One thing I will say is that the chorus are usually not very good. They're not horrible or anything, just not as good as everything else.

What do you think?

Best song: N.Y. State of Mind
Worst song: One Love
Rating: 4/5

Listen on YT Music!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1994067

Visually stunning and a brilliant cast!

The visuals are by far the most striking aspect of this movie. They're absolutely brilliant! I'm sure the black and white color-scheme and the odd aspect ratio play into this, but it's more than that; it's incredible cinematography, and it really helps tell the story and explore the intense emotions of the characters.

More than that, the acting is incredible, especially Frances McDormand, she really blew me away, though Denzel Washington was also fantastic. And Kathryn Hunter as the three witches was absolutely ridiculous, especially that scene where she continuously contorts her body... It really freaked me out, I loved it!

I thought the plot was great, but the pacing was a bit odd. The series of events, and the escalation of the situation felt somewhat rushed and disconnected. I've never read the original play, so I can't say if this is just how Macbeth is or if it's the movie.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1994067

Visually stunning and a brilliant cast!

The visuals are by far the most striking aspect of this movie. They're absolutely brilliant! I'm sure the black and white color-scheme and the odd aspect ratio play into this, but it's more than that; it's incredible cinematography, and it really helps tell the story and explore the intense emotions of the characters.

More than that, the acting is incredible, especially Frances McDormand, she really blew me away, though Denzel Washington was also fantastic. And Kathryn Hunter as the three witches was absolutely ridiculous, especially that scene where she continuously contorts her body... It really freaked me out, I loved it!

I thought the plot was great, but the pacing was a bit odd. The series of events, and the escalation of the situation felt somewhat rushed and disconnected. I've never read the original play, so I can't say if this is just how Macbeth is or if it's the movie.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


Visually stunning and a brilliant cast!

The visuals are by far the most striking aspect of this movie. They're absolutely brilliant! I'm sure the black and white color-scheme and the odd aspect ratio play into this, but it's more than that; it's incredible cinematography, and it really helps tell the story and explore the intense emotions of the characters.

More than that, the acting is incredible, especially Frances McDormand, she really blew me away, though Denzel Washington was also fantastic. And Kathryn Hunter as the three witches was absolutely ridiculous, especially that scene where she continuously contorts her body... It really freaked me out, I loved it!

I thought the plot was great, but the pacing was a bit odd. The series of events, and the escalation of the situation felt somewhat rushed and disconnected. I've never read the original play, so I can't say if this is just how Macbeth is or if it's the movie.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


Every time I listen to BENEATH THE TOXIC JUNGLE by Rav I wish I would listen to it more often... If you haven't yet, give it a listen!

I saw Rav released a new album just 4 months ago actually, so I'm gonna give that a try as well~


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1894549

Great punk.

This didn't blow me away, but it's certainly good music.

It's intense, with lots of guitars and charismatic vocals. The lyrics also have lots of personality. Some songs have a more introspective tone, while others take more of a critical look at the world and at people, like in the song Big Dick.

Overall, I think this is a rather poignant project, because it's 34 years old and so much of what is criticized in the songs is still very much alive. Some has even gotten worse, like the mass surveillance depicted in The Tower.

I got tired of waiting because I found out there's only a very very fine line between biding one's time and wasting one's time. Do you know what I mean?

This album is about how fucked things are, the lies everywhere, the injustice that festers everywhere. More than that, it's about patience running out, time running out, and disillusion. It's very emotional, and I like it.

What do you think?

Best song: Tired of Waiting
Worst song: The End of All Things
Rating: 4/5

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