Firewatch, the walking simulator.
Truck simulator either the American or European version.
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Firewatch, the walking simulator.
Truck simulator either the American or European version.
Dear Esther, the original walking simulator
That was more of a stroll.
The Long Dark's DLC...The Long Walk
It was a flash game called flOw. You're just a microbe wandering around eating things, and you occasionally evolve, based on what you ate. I can't find an instance that works properly with a flash emulator, but that game would actually lower my heart rate.
Damn I forgot about that. I think I had that on the PS3!
Oh, that reminded me of Osmos and also Feeding Frenzy. Makes me wanna play it now...
I just like wandering around in Skyrim picking flowers and not doing any quests.
Is there any other way to play it?
My partner goes around collecting books and fungi instead, does that count?
Of course, anything is fine, except... God forgive me... doing the main quest.
I agree. To this day I have never yet joined Stormcloaks or Imperials.
I also stopped meeting up with that lady Delphine after it was pointed out to me that it increases the frequency of dragon attacks.
Yeah, me neither. I'm always like... you two can have your stupid war, but if anyone tries to mess with me and my 163 pieces of cheese, you're screwed.
I'm in the Animal Crossing boat. It's the right kind of cozy.
A Short Hike and A Little To The Left were also pretty chill.
Dorfromantik it's a sort of puzzle game that's deeply relaxing
Played it too, very chill!
Factorio. It is as relaxing or as stressful as you want it to be.
Oh god, factorio drives me so crazy. I lose all sense of time from the pressure and get sucked in. It really is like crack.
Especially in no bug mode, and moreso with infinite ore. Time no longer has any meaning
Monument Valley. No rush, no timer, pretty puzzles. I keep replaying it now and then.
Yes! Love that game so much
Beautifully made game
Seconded! This is the one I was gonna add, if I didn't see it.
Stardew Valley. It can be stressful, but even when it is, the stakes are pretty low.
Omg yes how did I forget that one. Love it.
Minecraft in peaceful mode
I've never been into gaming, mostly due to this stress thing. The suggestions in this thread makes me want to try taking it up.
I have a jailbroken PS3 that was handed down to me few years ago and is lying unused. Can someone suggest me a simple tutorial on how to find and load games onto it. I would prefer to try the games out before I buy them. High seas are familiar to me, but what exactly am I looking for?
Thank you.
Stardew valley.
As long as you don't try to min/max. I also make the days longer.
It's just got such an amazing vibe. One of my favourites.
Played it when it came out but gave up shortly after, I found the super short days stressful!
I installed a mod to slow down time. Still haven't played it because of the concept of having to follow the calendar.
Journey on playstation 3. It's now on pc too
Atmospheric and visually pleasing yes. The few moments where you had to sneak around the monsters was a bit stressful.
This one right here. It's basically BoTW but no combat, no weapons, no enemies, no health meter. Explore, find stuff, craft stuff. The game intro explains you're on a journey to discover your path and enjoy your youth.
Sable is great! Apart from the city quests, everything is exploration.
It's not 100% pure relaxation, but 1010 Klooni is nice once you get good at it. It's available on f-droid; you should be able to find alternative versions if you search for Tenten.
Link for anyone looking:
1010! Klooni (A libGDX game based on 1010)
Osm-- dangit.
There are some good games mentioned already but I'd like to pitch in Planet Crafter. No enemies, no time pressure beyond an oxygen/food/water system, just you and the long-term goal of terraforming a planet by yourself.
The award for almost-but-not-quite-relaxing goes to Hardspace: Shipbreaker, where you can fall into a comfortable trot after you figure things out – and then the storyline makes you want to strangle someone with their own necktie. But the gameplay can be very relaxing.
Either A Short Hike or Minecraft, sometimes.
I personally find it relaxing sometimes to just boot up the mahjong or solitaire game on my laptop. Absolutely no pressure to perform well, unlike how I sometimes feel in most other games.
~~League of Legends ranked solo queue~~
I play Merge Dragons which is just a game where you endlessly merge and build worlds. It's relaxing.
Anyone play "the longing" ? It looks like it ought to be really chill. I guess I will have to find out.
Picross 3D and Picross 3D 2 are among my favs for chill games. There is technically a timer, but once you get the flow of the game the timer really doesn't impact anything at all.
The long dark. The game drips with atmosphere, sleeping when there is a blizzard outside your little cabin is just fantastic. Hearing the snow crunch as you're exploring, or the haunting sound of wolves howling as they follow you while you're hauling your latest kill of fresh meat.
The feeling when you come across a rare find that saves your life, like a nice jacket or leggings.
Oh! Once you learn to navigate in a blizzard? You can't see and it can be so hypnotic. Walking until you find a landmark and adjusting your path, crunching along while the wind howls hoping you find shelter before you die.
The feeling of seeing the Aurora borealis in that gorgeous sky at night?
It all almost makes you forget that you're probably starving/freezing to death.
call of duty