what's your porn name?
Do you think a post-grad will realistically help your employment opportunities?
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a trait of professional careers. Do you think doctors, nurses, etc only study on work time?
If you're not in such a professional field, discuss remuneration for doing it in your free time as the company will benefit. You need to figure out how much you want for a raise, and if things fall through remind them you'll be more employable and you can go elsewhere after passing. Maybe even push for an early raise now to keep you as it seems they like you.
I thought it referred to the tears of the children who were forced to... oh, nevermind.
And Muslims can openly lie about what is and isn't true under Sharia law???
So apparently under Sharia law, Muslim men can have anal sex with a girl under 8, and vaginal with a girl over 8.
Clearly solid, factual, data there.
Not even the initial sexy time?
Isn't it interesting that the more "developed" countries have the lowest birth rates.
Twenty thousand tons of ivermectin to Texas. Stat! That'll fix everything!
The north is very cheap to live. And they put gravy and cheese on their chips (as a non-Northerner sounds revolting until you try it).