
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago

That's not the same, Mojang isn't affiliated with the wiki at all.

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Be sure to check out spiritual assault. Finally tried it after my friends and I finished Reincarnation 9, and it was a blast. Slightly different play style to the regular mode, but allowed for me to feel like I could try more unique builds and weapons that normally wouldn't work. Also have yet to figure out how exactly to get spirits to be OP, seems like random luck from me combining things (so much text to read lmao).

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I believe he has been using JS now so all is good 🙏

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Valve is still put in a position where their budget is determined by what they can morally earn while their competition uses whatever manipulate, deceptive, or immoral methods they want.

What competition has such a rich gambling scene though. No other game I am aware of (Maybe TF2 but, still valve)

if Steam starts to threaten Publisher's incomes such as by requiring age verification on gambling, this will likely be far more in incentive to leave than their 30% split ever was

Age verification on the marketplace transactions is the more likely scenario, and again, no other game I know of has as much of a gambling community so I don't really get why other publishers would leave if it doesn't effect them.

Ultimately, I think you're missing the point of coffeezillas video, which is that a lot of people who were in the skin gambling community are actively or, started in it, as a minor. You are here trying to find all of these excuses for valve not to be held accountable for facilitating gambling to a minor.

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 33 points 3 months ago (6 children)

It's specifically Steam keys, even says so in the quote. If they sell it on Epic for a lower price and it doesn't come with a Steam key then there are no restrictions on the price.

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

I love everything about wanderer, just wish that you could look at trails on a full-screened map on mobile. Currently pulling up the trail will provide a small map inside the webpage for you to see the trail, which on desktop works great, but mobile it feels like the map should be the more important aspect (similar to apps like osm, all trails and gaiagps). Because of this I am mostly using it as a database to then download the trail and open it in osm.

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I also highly recommend the book (and all of Jon Ronson tbh)

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (4 children)

I can't imagine a judge taking a case where someone unwittingly stole something

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Letterboxd has user made lists of upcoming movies, either with dates announced or just announced projects. Fun to flick through and see what directors I enjoy are working on.

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Or change the title to up to 50%

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

I mean those things can exist outside of DVD

[–] 2ncs@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

And yet if you go in the MC community, one of the most common complaints people have is that the updates are never enough and the Devs are lazy etc... I guess this goes to the point of this article, people can easily be trained to have unrealistic expectations.

Tbh I think a big part of the problem is Mojang's failure to communicate with it's players, less so the lack of features being added.

Minecraft Live 2023 (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by 2ncs@lemmy.world to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

So what was everyone's thoughts?

In case anyone didn't see the features announced:

!Combat Trials, New hostile mob (mini wither boss looking thing), More Copper and Tuff varients, New Mob Spawner Type, An automatic crafter !<

Personally I didn't watch it, though I've looked through all that was announced. Honestly not sure how I feel about it. Part of me was really hoping for some work on inventory (like desperately) and they said nothing.

The trials thing seems interesting, though not really my play style so I don't have much to comment on. The copper and Tuff variants are cool but it feels like a feature we should have got a few updates ago. The crafter, I'm not sure how I feel about and am curious what the community thinks. Part of me thinks it's not super "vanilla" as you can automate so much now, and Mojang had expressed how they didn't want that to be an aspect of the game so I'm a bit confused. The way they implemented it and the ways players will have to engineer it to do what they want fit the vanilla feel though imo. That being said some of these features have already existed through modding for years.

I used to be much more of a "vanilla" survival player (some qol mods, similar to something like Hermitcraft) though I have recently started playing a Create focused pack I made. After playing the modded version I have a hard time seeing myself going back to "vanilla". With this latest live, I noticed I already had some features that they announced in my pack. Sort of kills the hype imo, when you have to wait so long for the update.


Couple of friends and I like to watch movies together, so when we do some car camping we like to take a tiny projector and put on a movie. Curious if anyone else does this and if so what movies? So far we've done Blair Witch, Evil Dead, Big Money Rustlas(I know), and Infinity Pool.


Trying to give builds little world building details with custom models.

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