it's about hurting the right people. whomever you need to hurt to push your agenda through, that's who needs a whoopin', but once that's been accomplished, you can go back to hurting the people you really want to hurt. that's "Freedom", American Style
I'm from the US and fled to Canada during the second Bush Jr. administration. The funny thing is I'd kill to have that lovable idiot back in office. It's amazing how you never really appreciate what you've got until you have something MUCH worse.
I have family in the military down there. Wouldn't it be funny if they had to come up here to kill me and my family and seize my land? Boy wouldn't my face be red! That would just be hilarious!
This is a conflict manufactured by Putin to sew disharmony between allies.
It's sow, not "sew". But yeah, basically. He's smarter than he gets credit for, not like it's hard to fool someone like D-bag, but still. He saw a juicy opportinuty to manipulate a western bootlicker, and he got 77m other idiotic bootlickers to meme him into office.
I'm putting a new scope on my crossbow as we speak. Reusable ammo is an underrated perk.
For anyone not reading the article
ie. everybody in the thread
I thought we upgraded to an Iron Dome?
Yes, you did think that. Thanks for asking.
I have family down there that I may never get to see again, and I'm still not going. Fuck that, I'd rather die homeless and alone in Canada than go back into enemy territory. Sorry mom, I'll visit your grave someday... possibly. Or you can visit mine, whichever comes first. Either way, it's all good.
Just FYI, it's wilfully ignorant, not "willingly ignorant". Not that it matters, but I can see you were trying to make a point but it kind of fell apart at "willingly". Sorry, I accept my downvotes with dignity. Making comments like this is a thankless job, but someone's got to do it.
my parents were fortunate enough in their lives to give me a gift of $20,000 dollars
just FYI, when you use a dollar sign you don't also have to type out the word "dollars"
Thought the bitch was pro life?
That's a question? No, I didn't. Thanks for asking.
like a flying V of Michael Meyers'
... Michael Meyers' what? Or did you mean Michael Meyerses?