I'll say, a lot of people say food poisoning when they have any sort of nausea after eating. They should probably still go home, but the degree of sickness is not the same. What gamermanh describes is food poisoning. The 2-3 times I've had that in my life, I'd have preferred death for the ~6-10 hours it afflicted me. And I've had MANY kidney stones.
joined 2 years ago
Ohh yea? Who took this pic then? Checkmate.
Good lord. How many fuck buddies does the fuhrer need?
Gotta take it deep.
Could be any number of reasons. The simplest is that they can't upload the file to you that fast.
We like our poisons in just the rights amounts.
That doesn't sound very junior dev to me.
Man, I remember one time someone at the office sent out an email inviting everyone to a potluck at the office. Then later went "jk, that was meant just for our group" and I responded with this, except change theme park to potluck.
Someone reported me. I was only told not to do that again. Always wondered who the killjoy was.
Sure stopped all the other deportations.
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Don't think Don the Con is gonna give it back.