Love how he thinks the idea of taxing the rich is so ridiculous that merely repeating it back to the audience is a counter argument.
We really need to get the money out of politics.
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Love how he thinks the idea of taxing the rich is so ridiculous that merely repeating it back to the audience is a counter argument.
We really need to get the money out of politics.
"best I can do is a tax cut for those making over $250k"
To him it’s ridiculous because they give him so much money. He can’t fathom another point of view.
why just politics? punish them for, you know; destroying the world and taking so much of all our lives.
edit: if they push us so far that the common person is down for taking real action, make sure it can't happen again.
It's a hilarious failure to gaslight an entire town hall by himself.
The reason Luigi is so popular with Americans is because he is a microcosm example of the Sociopathic Oligarch's worst nightmare - The average American rising up to literally KILL the wealthy. He is just one man with one victim, but what if he were multiplied by hundreds, or thousands, or millions?
The way black people felt about OJ, is now being felt by all working class Americans toward Luigi. So the wealthy, and the system, want to punish him harshly as an example to the rest of us, while we are plotting ways for him to escape punishment.
When the people are demanding a reasonable solution, and they are dismissed by the goverment in favor of punishing Americans in order to benefit the Sociopathic Oligarchs at our expense - AGAIN! - the Free Market will find an alternative, and nothing frightens them more than the threat of Luigi's Solution catching fire, and becoming a trend.
Can you expand on how it’s comparable to OJ? The guy killed his (ex) partner. To me, that’s much different.
OJ didnt kill his partner, he killed his ex-wife, but that's not the point.
The point is that in both cases, the killer and the victim have taken on symbolic roles for different segments of society. In OJs case, he represented black citizens, especially those in LA, who had been brutally, systematically discriminated against by the LAPD for decades, while his white victim became symbolic of white crime victims at the hands of black criminals.
In Luigi's case, he has come to represent the people who have been systematically discriminated against by corporations in general, but especially by the breath-takingly corrupt health care insurance system, while the corporate serial-killer CEO has come to represent the Sociopathic Oligarchs and amoral trans-national corporations who ruthlessly, sociopathically exploit every hard-working American. Obviously, the Sociopathic Oligarchs dont share the same perspective. Like all ultra-wealthy, they think that they are the victims, and that poor people get ALL the breaks.
It should be noted that neither set out to be a symbolic example for American society, or at least OJ didn't. He was a fucking dickhead, who had the world by the balls, and just threw it all away in a stupid jealous rage, probably exacerbated by steroids.
Luigi may have hoped he would kick off a movement, and he has, but we don't know what his motivations truly were because he's not admitting to anything, as he should. He still has a chance to get acquitted based on his face not being seen in the murder video. That alone is enough for a juror to claim reasonable doubt, so he should keep claiming his innocence.
The bottom line is that we, as a society, apply these symbolic roles to these people, outside of their control. Those that deliberately try to set off a revolution, usually fail, like Charles Manson trying to touch of Helter Skelter (his designation for a race war) with his mass murders. Other examples of those who have been assigned symbolic societal roles include Trayvon Martin/ George Zimmerman, or the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, etc.
the jury was sympathetic to Oj, because they saw how much injustice was done against black people, and still does. so they voted to acquit him, despite them knowing he murdered people. AA specifically celebrated that he wont the case , only prude white people dint like him winning.
I like how luigi was being astroturfed by the grifters and MSMs until they realize they are making things worst by turning rabid right wingers agains tthem. all of the msms and grifters went quiet for a month. ALso it was drawing attention away from musk and TRUMP too.
Luigi isnt going anywhere. He still has a trial ahead, and it promises to be a full-fledged circus, potentially bigger than the OJ Trial which was a legal spectacle beyond description.
HitlerPig won't be able to avoid Luigi's spotlight, and he will be making daily special updates to air his ignorant opinions. I wouldn't even be surprised if he shows up to watch the trial one day.
Excellent point! I feel like Americans don't like to understand that practically everyone in the U.S. is working class now. If you cannot quit your job tomorrow and live off of passive, savings, and residuals you are working class. The system is designed to facilitate this, with spartan social safety nets and lack of pensions. It's shit-tier by developed nation standards.
What's that other quote, ~"it only takes 3.5% of the population to generate massive change"? Obviously I am being flippant in this specific instance, but America is a failed democracy and empire in decline.
There is hope, but it requires taking back the power by direct action.
Mark Penn and Malcolm Gladwell (and many others, im sure) have both written about micro-trends, and how it takes such a small amount of the population - 2 or 3% - to reach a "Tipping Point," and force major change.
Its the reason the Conservative Propaganda Machine works so hard to keep us so confused and at each other's throats. They know that if even 3-5% of the population turns on them, they are royally fucked.
Please provide the link, I want to see this for myself...
That’s a big red state.
Nah I say we make some cuts to the capitalists
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I'd rather see Elon spend life in Solitary Confinement. It would be the ultimate irony that the same government he did his best destroy takes away his freedom for life.
He should have it worse than the average prisoner though. Padded white cell with nothing in it, and maybe he has to wear a straight jacket on the weekends. He'll also only eat Nutraloaf.
Thing about a class war is it only works as long as you can subdivide the lower classes and make them hate each other.
Even the GOP base has figured out that the boot on their neck belongs to the rich, probably thanks to Elon's haphazard culling of govt employees, specifically veterans, while preserving funds that benefit the rich.
Say what you will about conservative voters, but when something is obviously harming them specifically they will go after it, and Trump's administration has finally blundered enough to wake at least some of them up.
I'm fairly convinced that what makes a lot of the US population right wing is a lack of understanding of what that means.
My dad (long time conservative but can't get on the trump train which is good at least) thinks that "tax the rich" means people like high end doctors and surgeons. People who are absolutely in the top 1% but like "has a nice weekend car and maybe a lake house" not people making millions of dollars per month or week (or more)
"The difference in wealth between a surgeon and a billionaire is about one billion dollars, it's the billionaires that need to pay more taxes, they pay a smaller % than you."
Your dad thinks that people earn money by working for it. In other words, he's what would be a normal person in a socialist society.
All you have to do now is teach him what capitalism is.
"So your proposal to solve (the debt) is to tax the rich?"
"So your proposal to solve the empty gas tank is to put gas in the tank?"
"So your proposal to solve the dog getting out of the yard is to repair the fence?"
"So your proposal to solve the problem of not being able to see is to put on your glasses?"
Bro. It's the most obvious solution. It also has the added benefit of being the only one that's proven to work.
Being a representative whose mind doesn't immediately jump to that solution is like being a truck driver and not immediately jumping to the solution of slamming on the brakes when you're speeding toward a red light: it's not a difference of opinion or policy, it's dangerous negligence. Why are you holding meetings about this? If you're dedicated to not slamming on the brakes, just try swerving into the daycare playground or whatever your twisted idea is. Don't hold a town hall asking for a rubber stamp on plowing through the toddlers, and definitely don't act surprised when your constituents react in horror and propose using the brakes instead.
Tax the rich!
…And we voted in the wealthiest man in history and a narcissistic luxury hotel magnate, who openly touted a regressive tax plan, to do it?
If they refuse to tax them, I say we EAT them.
We should. Every year, during tax season, we should take the richest person (or company, fuck it) and redistribute 50% of their assets. Pay for UBI with it, fund social services, etc. Then we build a statue in their honor in the hall of "greatest winners".