What in the hell garbage website is this?
Yeah same, still happy with their laundry sheets. Their toilet cleaner sheets, I'm on the fence.
We used the 5 gallon pail of powder for years. Switches to Tru Earth a few years back to save space but no complaints and very affordable.
This the whole thread is the journey I am on. We used finish, so tried to switch to Tru Earth and after 10 tablets or so of not clean dishes with a layer of grease on them, we moved onto Attitude. After a few problems with our flappy door failing to open and the block being only half dissolved and the rest stuck in the hopper, we have been on a roll of clean dishes so we are hopeful. Also don't take the clear wrapper off them.
Stay away from Tru Earth dish tablets. We love their laundry strips but their tablets do not get our dishes clean.
Are the consequences in the room with us now?
Just depends on how it hits. I got a random message like
"It was great seeing you Sally, we should catch up like that more often."
My name isn't Sally. But my mom's is. And my mom is at an age where sometimes I get a TXT via email, if you get me. And she complains about her friend not understanding tech...And this friend was visiting from out of town for the first time in years, one who I had told mom to give my number too in case they needed assistance while visiting.
So I said "Hey, Maureen, this is Sue, you must have pressed the wrong button. I'm sure Mom agrees! How was the restaurant? I've been meaning to try it."
Now... That was not smart. I gave actually checks and changes real name to Sue my real name, my mom's and a well known restaurant name. If the scammer had have been smart, there's a million things they could have done with that to trick me, either immediately or by waiting awhile and then acting.
But they were on their pig butchering script, so their next TXT was clunky, and was like "oh! No this is Ally, I must have gotten the wrong number! Silly me."
And I was like. "Oh ok. No problem, glad you got to catch up with your friend then!"
And then like 2 hours later they txtd "is that restaurant in city? I've always wanted to visit."
And I didn't reply.
And the next was a hilarious cut and paste from the wiki of the city like "it has 1.9 million people and an economy of 59million annually! How cool!" Do you live there?"
By then I had figured it out.
But they do this all the time, there are alot of them, and it doesn't take much luck for your guard to go down...
We all hate this guy, don't get me wrong, but making disgusting claims like that just lowers us to their level.
You can be a pedophile without being an HOA president.
You know what.
That's sadder.
Hey, thanks! It's easy to assume it's some bot posting garbage these days, harder to be respectful and just ask for a better source.
I salute your efforts.