Goddamnit, ninja’d!
I wonder what color they use on the election results map for states that grow barley.
This is some leopardsatemyface content.
Presidential: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/ElectoralCollege2024.svg/640px-ElectoralCollege2024.svg.png
USA grains map: https://grains.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/USCGbarleymap-300x175.jpg
Knowing that Tesla had a market cap exceeding GM and Toyota and all the other manufacturers and a PE ratio beyond belief, the smart ones were selling as soon as it vests.
What if there was a way for everyone’s body to know about measles, without actually getting measles.
That would be pretty cool huh?
That’s odd, because I’ve seen more than a few charts saying yoy sales are up, except for Tesla.
The domestic manufacturers struggled for decades against the Japanese manufacturers, and they continue to lag behind in quality and finish. The Chinese will destroy them, as long as they don’t try to go too cheap and do something like faking the safety tests etc.
Maybe bombardier should have made a credible proposal to build a jet in Canada, instead of whining about it after the fact.
This sounds a little bit like sovcit noise.
I assume Canadian media/distribution rights holders are busy lobbying. Won’t somebody think of their profits!
Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people. A group of people that installed Mitch McConnell in the senate since 1985.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people. A group of people that installed Mitch McConnell in the senate since 1985.
I wonder if it’ll handle e-cores better than Task Manager.
Overall, it’s reporting 20% CPU usage. But all P-cores are pinned at 100%. E-cores idle. Of course I’m not CPU bound, I don’t need a better laptop, don’t be silly! And that’s just a Teams call. Fuck teams.