For some reason, people will sometimes flip the fraction when calculating decreasing percentages, so this roughly means that the old number of crossings is beyond one hundred percent greater than the current number of border crossings. It's really dumb
Not sure I understood all the metaphors
Yeah. That makes sense. It is definitely a real problem.
I respectfully disagree. Its thesis is simply that you can have a better life if you stay alive. The "proof" is simply all the changes the artist went through in order to find a better life. The changes aren't supposed to be a recipe on how to make your life better - I don't think the artist is telling people to divorce their spouses. There isn't anything "just be happy" about getting a divorce.
In the US, I think red pepper could get confused with chili peppers, but maybe that's just me.
No. I'm just wrong, lol
~~I think that means alcohol poisoning~~
It actually means tuberculosis
In Arizona, the RCV proposition didn't pass because it was bundled with open primaries. The bill was mainly about requiring open primaries with only a small mention of requiring ranked choice voting at the end. I would bet a lot of people here didn't even know ranked choice voting was on their ballot.
When I was a kid, I literally walked 43 miles from my home one day. Took 15 hours. I just had my parents pick me up when I got to the pizza place - no big deal.
Python and Java are barely comparable. I adore both languages equally and use them about the same amount at work. They are just different tools better suited to different tasks.
Okay. That's a very convincing analogy. Thanks for the thought out response. Forgive me for being rude.
Interesting. I think it isn't unital either otherwise Ω=0.