
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 minutes ago

This was not the shit post I was expecting, but the one we need right now.


Ever since we've gone to hybrid working, I've been having to deactivate work notifications and enable game notifications back and forth and it's driving me nuts.

I have a Pixel 9 Pro XL and would like a way to allow app notifications to come through based on a variable that I can control. At my disposal I have Tasker and Home Assistant but can't find a way to perform automations to enable or disable specific app notifications.

Is there a way to do this? I have to imagine other people have this problem.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 33 minutes ago

But it's Friday.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 14 hours ago

checks instance name

So there was a show called The Unit. Decent show. Not great but lots of action. It has Dennis Haybert.

Anyway, there is an episode where they (the delta team) has to secure the president who was running away from a highly armored militia.

His words: head and groin

Again, the show is decent. Recommend a watch to those who are into shows like that.

This reply isn't related to this thread but just randomly came to mind.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

Red states want this.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

TL;DW: it's okay. Not one of her best videos.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago

I was going to post something similar but yeah. Almost every Behind the Bastards episode that touches these topics, there is a straight line from Nixon to Trump.

The TL;DR: Republicans hated how people generally agreed with the facts surrounding Nixon and decided to do something about it. Instead of reporting conservative-slanted opinions, they instead wanted to get rid of facts all together.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

They absolutely do not need Canada for this.

We are living in a post-truth world. The MAGA right do not care about the law, the facts, or even what is right.

They want power. By any means necessary.

FOX and OAN will run pieces about how Musk was born here in the states and was moved to South Africa to help run his emerald mines. They will draw up fake birth certificates, change birth records in hospitals to show he was born on an Army Base in Texas.

They'll even find the doctor that ushered his delivery.

And the Right will eat it up.

The sad thing is Trump has the means to make all of this possible. This is not figurative.

This is the nightmare scenario. And Musk will not let go of power.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

According to Trump and many many in the GOP, he was elected three times.

After two years into this term, he will be disqualified twice from running again.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

A local grocery store is selling, I kid you not, single eggs for a dollar.

No bulk pricing. One loose egg. $1

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Use Finamp for offline Music from Jellyfin

[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Which is exactly and I mean exactly what Putin wants.

God damn I hate our country right now.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


  • "all rights" has been replaced with "rights necessary"
  • Overall language of "operate Firefox" still remains, with a link to their Privacy Notice.
  • "nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license" remains, but is explicitly limited to "the purpose of doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox"
  • Removed references to their Acceptable Use Policy

Details from a developer and FOSS advocate POV:

This is not enough.

Mozilla has yet to comment on why this change was necessary, outside of some vague "legally we have to" language. While these updated Terms shift more control back to the user, it's simply not enough. The only reason Mozilla would need any sort of license from the user is if they are going to be doing something with it on their systems. Any local use is and continues to be fully covered by the Mozilla Public License, which is the current license used by Firefox.

The MPL includes an indemnity and liability clause, which protects Mozilla from anything you might do with their browser. I can't think of a single FOSS license that doesn't include these clauses.

Controlling an application within the confines of your local device does not require the application to have a license to your content. It is, from a legal perspective, a tool you are using to do your own stuff. We don't give chisels manufactures a license for statues we make, notebook companies licenses for stories we write. And on the other side of that coin, no one sues Mozilla or Google because someone accesses The Pirate Bay or fmovies using the browser.

But let's take Mozilla at their word for a second. Suppose there was a legal reason for licensing your data.

Does Mozilla intend to force the websites you visit to agree to their terms? There are two sides to the connection you make on a website. For the sake of argument, say I'm visiting Disney+, another company super picky about their copyrights. I enter "" into my browser, agreeing to Mozilla license provision. In order to "operate Firefox", the license allows Firefox to go to Disney+, who then responds back with their catalog. If Mozilla needs a license from me for my data, surely they need a license from Disney for their data to "operate Firefox".

In what world do you think Disney is going to grant Mozilla a "nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license"? Their argument for any sort of licensing being necessary falls flat with this example right here.

Quick Edit here: their TOU assumes that you are the only license holder of content you upload using the browser. You cannot grant licenses to other people's content. So, in essence, you cannot upload a picture taken by your friend and if you do, the nature of these Terms allows your friend to sue Mozilla for copyright infringement. The very nature of asking for this license exposes them to liability for violations against copyright. Most websites have a clause that says something along the lines of "you agree that you have permission to share the content you upload to our servers and grant us a license to use that content as if it were you own" etc.

This isn't about your data within the local browser. This is about your data flowing through Mozilla. That's why they need the license. Their additional clause "This does not give Mozilla any ownership in that content" does absolutely nothing. A license, by it's nature, means that Mozilla doesn't own the content and seeks your permission to use it.

To Mozilla's credit, they removed references to their Acceptable Use Policy, but remains in place their ability to terminate your license to use Firefox for any reason, keeping Firefox firmly in the "Source Available" category.

Each person will need to decide whether Firefox fits in within their personal use of the internet. I, for one, am tired of my content being used without my express permission. My goal is to move to Waterfox by the end of March, if not sooner.


Which is it?!

This headline came up in my news feed, from a very dubious source so I decided to investigate.

Headline after headline, many from identical sources, about how Walmart and Bank of America are either going to stop taking $1 bills or keep accepting them. The headlines read like a FUD article and I refuse to click through to read the details.

I can't find a reputable news source for this story so I'm assuming it's fake news.

It shouldn't be this easy to manipulate news feeds.


I've been searching around for a copy of the Resolute Letter that Trump left for Biden. The letters are typically released within a few days of entering office but this was never done because Biden wanted to talk to Trump first before doing so.

It's been almost four years. Surely it's been done by now and I can't seem to find any article with the letter or anything on the official White House website. I'm tempted to submit a FOIA request for it but wasn't sure where to start.


fmovies has been gone almost a month. I should have added "FBI" up there but really they used FBI to shoot down the service, not be like them.

I don't understand when these companies are going to learn that sharing their IP is going to get them more money than being so fractured.

I started using sudo-lol and seems okay. Streaming can be hinky at times but it works for most of the things I want to watch.

I know that torrenting can be a thing but sometimes I just want to watch and not deal with a whole finding a torrent, download, and then watch workflow.


I know it occasionally has service disruptions, but it usually comes back up after a day or so. Fmovies has been down for almost the entire week for me.

Anyone else having issues?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Good day self-hosters! I'm not exactly sure what to call what I'm looking for besides a "clipboard". Let me describe my problem and what my ideal solution is.

At work, I get a lot of slack DMs that ask for the same information. It's not consistent to the point I would just pin the information in my Windows 11 clipboard. But it's often enough that I'd prefer to give people the same information each time it's asked.

I'm limited in what I can build on my work computer. In an ideal world, I'd do what Gilfoyle did and make and bot but I lack the time and skills for such a task. Right now, I solve this with a very long notepad, which is subject to copy/paste errors. If I don't highlight everything correctly or if I accidentally copy over an existing line. That kind of thing.

What I was thinking was a very simple website where the items I'm copying are in tiles that can be tagged and searched. Once I find what I'm looking for, I can click the button to copy it to my clipboard and then go on with my life.

Due to restrictions on my work computer, I cannot host containers or host a website, though a fully self-contained HTML page with javascript I could do.. Ideally this is something that can be build using Github Pages build with Jekyll but so far, I haven't found a theme that mimics the behavior I'm looking for and I lack the time (though not the skills) to build it.

I'd prefer the github route so that I can share the page with others on my team who get asked similar questions.

I am also able to deploy a website via Github Pages (with .nojekyll).

I have to think something similar to this already exists but I imagine the restrictions on having no backend might be the challenge. Love to hear your thoughts!

Edit: added context for Gilfoyle

Thank you all for the great suggestions. I should have added in this post that my work does not allow software with Copyleft (Don't get me started. I'm a strong copyleft advocate and it annoys me that my company only takes and never gives back to OSS). I'm going to give TiddlyWiki out. License is friendly with my work, seems simple enough to run.

That said, Logseq seems to be pretty interesting as well. Might try this out on my on machine to see if I like it.

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