But it's Friday.
But it's Friday.
All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
checks instance name
So there was a show called The Unit. Decent show. Not great but lots of action. It has Dennis Haybert.
Anyway, there is an episode where they (the delta team) has to secure the president who was running away from a highly armored militia.
His words: head and groin
Again, the show is decent. Recommend a watch to those who are into shows like that.
This reply isn't related to this thread but just randomly came to mind.
Red states want this.
TL;DW: it's okay. Not one of her best videos.
I was going to post something similar but yeah. Almost every Behind the Bastards episode that touches these topics, there is a straight line from Nixon to Trump.
The TL;DR: Republicans hated how people generally agreed with the facts surrounding Nixon and decided to do something about it. Instead of reporting conservative-slanted opinions, they instead wanted to get rid of facts all together.
They absolutely do not need Canada for this.
We are living in a post-truth world. The MAGA right do not care about the law, the facts, or even what is right.
They want power. By any means necessary.
FOX and OAN will run pieces about how Musk was born here in the states and was moved to South Africa to help run his emerald mines. They will draw up fake birth certificates, change birth records in hospitals to show he was born on an Army Base in Texas.
They'll even find the doctor that ushered his delivery.
And the Right will eat it up.
The sad thing is Trump has the means to make all of this possible. This is not figurative.
This is the nightmare scenario. And Musk will not let go of power.
According to Trump and many many in the GOP, he was elected three times.
After two years into this term, he will be disqualified twice from running again.
A local grocery store is selling, I kid you not, single eggs for a dollar.
No bulk pricing. One loose egg. $1
Use Finamp for offline Music from Jellyfin
Which is exactly and I mean exactly what Putin wants.
God damn I hate our country right now.
This was not the shit post I was expecting, but the one we need right now.