
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago


[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

you said splitting the bonds between atoms

Actually, they didn't. Their question is ambiguous, and can be interpreted either way.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Fuck, my eyes have bloom problems in normal conditions.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

In my best, thin, Jim Gaffigan voice... "Hot Pocket".

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The Expanse

Read the books, starting at book 7. The plot in the show is almost identical to the plot in the books. It shouldn't be too hard to just pick them up.

However, the books are better than the show. I thoroughly enjoyed reading books 1-6 in preparation for reading 7-9. You get to read from various characters' point of view. It's so much deeper than the show.

You even get chapters from the point of view of...Protomolecule Miller.

And the point of view of...Random other people consumed on Eros. Seriously creepy shit! They didn't die. They can't die.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Terminator: The Sara Connor Chronicles

Really, Westworld, but no one had mentioned TSCC yet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Can you explain what you're talking about? I'm just curious. What scrying mechanism specifically, and what was the exploit?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

This isn't a gravocracy! Put what you want on your tombstone in your will!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Mine's even worse! I see literally none of the text I type. (I don't actually use landscape mode to type. I just think it's funny.)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Also, the first damn door!


I'm not sure of the exact steps to reproduce this, but I put three points into the Light Reading talent, and then equipped Master Thieves' Armband replacing the tome. Then I tried to cast Sunray on an enemy and noticed it didn't autotarget them. I had to do it manually. And now no ranged weapons or spells will auto-target enemies.

Quitting to the main menu or force closing the game didn't help. The only thing that fixed auto-targeting was re-equipping the tome.

Anytime I equip Master Thieves' Armband by replacing the tome, I lose autotargeting. However, if I manually unequip the tome first, I don't lose autotargeting, not even when I equip the armband afterward.


If I inspect the chest on the left, it's a chest. If I inspect the chest on the right, it inspects the floor.

It just surprises me that it's like the mimic one isn't even there. (When I first tried to inspect it, I didn't know it was a mimic yet.)

I'm guessing this happens because you can't inspect an enemy you can't see, and showing the mimic when you don't have vision on it is something extra added by Mimic's Tooth to make it less distinguishable from ordinary chests. (Normally, mimics aren't shown unless you currently have vision on them.)

I'm playing Beta 3.1, but this has probably been this way forever.


The buff wouldn't do anything, of course, except visually indicate they are immune to being blinded from Sunray again. I imagine there must already be a hidden buff behind the scenes that never wears off.

Sometimes in big fights I lose track of which scorpion I blinded, for example, and trying to blind it again several turns later can be disastrous.

I would understand if you feel it's balanced the way it is.


This issue has bitten me several times. It was a problem in 0.6.0 and maybe earlier, and it is present in 0.6.1.

I'll make an edit to fix a couple of typos that I saw immediately after posting, and then I'll see something else or want to add some more context. So I'll edit the post again, but this edits the contents of the original post, therefore I put back in all my typos! (And lose anything else I added in my first edit.)

When it first happened, I thought I was going crazy and ended up going back and forth, fixing the same few typos over and over while adding more content! 😂

For a test, I'm going to edit this post to add the text, "first edit". Then I'm going to edit it again after 10 seconds to add the words "second edit".

Second edit.

Third edit:

Now that I manually refreshed, I can see "second edit", and when I edit the post, those words are there, but "first edit" is gone.

Here's a screenshot of my post immediately after adding the first edit:

You can see that it does not contain the words "first edit" at the bottom.


Same with making a post. I accidentally cancel making a comment all the time while simply trying to select text.

Like this:

I select some text and them try to drag that little blue tear drop on the left to change the selection and invariably just close the comment editor. It's so frustrating.

I have all gestures disabled because all they do is fire by accident, but I can't see any way to disable this one.

Here is a screenshot of it in action. I turned on the developer option to show touches, and you can see how wide the activation area is for dragging from the left.


I just walked past a Prison Guard who was in deep sleep from a while ago. Out of the shadows came another Prison Guard, so I cast Sunray on him and then threw a spear by double-tapping the quickslot, assuming it would target the one I had just targeted with a spell, but I instead turned around and threw it at the sleeping one.

This is very counterintuitive. Casting a targetted spell at any enemy should make them my current target for other spells, wands, and throwables.

I have the same issue with Guiding Light.


A man can dream...


You can't miss, so you benefit from the heavy War Scythe damage with no drawback. And look at that range!

It's also excellent with Sunray's blind effect for two surprise attacks! Once when they are two spaces away and again when they are adjacent.

I found it as +2, used a stone, and got Projecting. I feel lucky. I'm actually a Wand of Living Earth build because I wanted to try all the ally buffs, but this War Scythe let's me safely do some serious melee damage.

And it's even better when my Golem is distracting an enemy. I can blind the enemy from 2 tiles away and get up to 6 surprise attacks. This is truly an excellent combination on a Paladin.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The run was going awesome! +2 Blazing Hand Axe on a statue, +1 Leather from the Ghost, and wand of Lightning just sitting on the floor (cursed but also a Scroll of Remove Curse) All on floor 2. Then I died a minute later...

I jumped into a well room and spawned the wraith. Rather than hit it with my Cleric spell, I stupidly zapped it with my Wand of Lightning at point blank range while at 3 HP. ☠️ Literally killed myself. Could have drank my water after jumping. Didn't. Could have passed a few turns to digest. Didn't.

The seed was such a good start that decided to copy the seed and try again. (DNK-CWK-VJR, btw)

And then I died a second time within 6 tiles of my first death! I was at 2 HP and starving put me at 1, so I ate food. Why use my water when I can heal from food, right? Well, I forgot how long it takes to eat food and the snake in the room reached me and killed me.

Time for a third try! It was such a great start. I want to see how the rest of the seed turns out.

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