you said splitting the bonds between atoms
Actually, they didn't. Their question is ambiguous, and can be interpreted either way.
you said splitting the bonds between atoms
Actually, they didn't. Their question is ambiguous, and can be interpreted either way.
Fuck, my eyes have bloom problems in normal conditions.
In my best, thin, Jim Gaffigan voice... "Hot Pocket".
The Expanse
Read the books, starting at book 7. The plot in the show is almost identical to the plot in the books. It shouldn't be too hard to just pick them up.
However, the books are better than the show. I thoroughly enjoyed reading books 1-6 in preparation for reading 7-9. You get to read from various characters' point of view. It's so much deeper than the show.
You even get chapters from the point of view of...
Protomolecule Miller.
And the point of view of...
Random other people consumed on Eros. Seriously creepy shit! They didn't die. They can't die.
Terminator: The Sara Connor Chronicles
Really, Westworld, but no one had mentioned TSCC yet.
Can you explain what you're talking about? I'm just curious. What scrying mechanism specifically, and what was the exploit?
This isn't a gravocracy! Put what you want on your tombstone in your will!
Mine's even worse! I see literally none of the text I type. (I don't actually use landscape mode to type. I just think it's funny.)