
joined 2 years ago

A more detailed article on this issue can be found here.

Basically, the "Basic" app functions of this thermostat control were free until, a short while ago, users were greeted by a notification, telling them they would need to pay a 1€/month subscription from now on. Only once you had already entered your payment details and clicked through the payment process, would you be told "lol jk, it was just a social experiment".

As a German who was taught all the dark times of our nation in school, I can confidently say that us causing the second War To End All Wars is almost as bad as this company's behaviour.

Obvious hyperbole aside, this is despicable and practices like these must be stomped into extinction like a carelessly tossed cigarette, lest other companies pick up on it and make the world a worse place for everyone but themselves.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I really can't speak on the security or data privacy of it, since I'm not knowledgeable enough in these topics, but I pay 1€ per month for Port87. I just love the ability to easily create sub-adresses and never have to worry about my "main adresses" receiving the spam I get for e.g. online shopping

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

I absolutely agree that voting based on policies would be the better way. This is honestly how I cast my vote here in Germany every time. The only parties I inherently strike off my list are the big three (CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP) because they've been found to definitely be corrupt and didn't actually follow-through on so many policies. And the AFD because they are the new NPD (which were the new NSDAP).

Every other party is up for grabs and I check their general "mission statement" as well as their statements and planned policies to see if it aligns with my beliefs. I literally have no clue who the politicians are and don't care as long as they stay true to their policies.

Getting this good overview on multiple topics by this many parties is made easier thanks to the Wahl-O-Mat (Elect-O-Mat) that is set up for the major elections. In it, you put in your position on the relevant topics and not only do you see a numerical score of how your views compare to any other parties' but also can you (and are encouraged to) read through each party's detailed response to any particular topic.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Sounds like a job for a group similar to Anonymous, just less focused on actual illegal activities and instead just playing out the legal methods of fighting against corporations.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

If I had a meaningful sum of money stored there, I would close my bank account with them and specifically give this as a reason (although I'm not sure how much my local branch Volksbanken-Raiffeisenbanken in Germany would even impact RBI)

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (3 children)

The bottom left icons on the island makes me think it's set in the Assassins Creed universe. Since I have only played Black Flag, I'm pretty sure it's not from there.

[–] 28 points 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (27 children)

Swastikas, okay. Happy merchant, sure. But how is Pepe an alt right symbol now? I read half of an article about it which seems to conclude that it depends on the context the meme is being used in. If it's by a nazi in their username, it's a nazi symbol, wow. To me this feels like "serial killers often ate bread for breakfast, so all of Germany is now a dogwhistle for serial killers."

Edit: Alright, I'm super late in this edit but I see that I'm (partly) wrong here. Not sure if people who reply to a comment are notified when that comment has been edited (if not, it should do that!), but thank you a lot for the input. My understanding now is tht it's a quite complicated issue and, depending on the audience, it's certainly being used and understood as Nazi symbol.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago

Today I had my first employee development talk (not because I've only been here for two years but because the company didn't have that concept until half a year ago) and it was very productive I would say. I mean it was scheduled 13:00 to 14:30 and we finished up at 16:45 lol

[–] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Neat, what kind of car did you get? I feel your relief at having finally sold the old car. When I had to get rid of mine, I was so happy when someone actually wanted to take it for around 400€ despite the fact that I openly stated it needs non-trivial repairs and needs its audit stamp refreshed.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

I just looked them up. They look very precious and I do hope with this breakthrough, they'll be able to grow the population quicker and with fewer issues.

It's crazy to think that they were down to presumed extinction twice.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Watched this video earlier today and I definitely hope German city planners in my area don't embrace this required car-centric approach to infrastructure more than they did for cities like Munich .

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

I haven't played it yet, but if you have a VR headset then Minesweeper Peak VR seems to be exactly what you're looking for.

There's also Mine3D which plays in your browser and is a rotatable cube of mines.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

That sounds like a solid plan! By the looks of it, you already checked the requirements to actually get into the Netherlands and live there for more than just a couple of months.

I can't imagine how bad it must be for you to basically have to uproot your entire life, but I wish you the best of luck (wherever you actually have to rely on luck, like processing times for documents). It's great to know that you do already have a couple of people in Europe at least adjacent to where you plan to go.

And sure! I do live in Bavaria, so it's not the closest distance, but I'm certain we could eventually organise a meetup at some point.


Every time I stop thinking that oil companies might be the most evil organizations of the world, I learn about a new atrocity that trumps even the worst thing about them that trumps all i knew before.

TL;DW: Chevron likely ordered the murder of one of the family members of the party involved in the case against them. And they not only put the main lawyer in prison, but also revoked his lawyer license and managed to freeze his bank accounts and confiscated h is passport to stop him from continuing the case.


Another post for the post-god.


Not sure if there's a better place to ask this. From what I understand, OsmAnd~ is basically a community-run version of the otherwise subscription-based OsmAnd+

To add POIs and make other changes to Open Street Map, I need to log into an editing account of sorts. Will this be fine or could my access to the app get wrecked in some way? After all, I am not subscribed to the "official" service.


cross-posted from:

I was only looking for some validation posts because I was annoyed at a couple of the more unrealistic reactions you have going in NMS. Like being able to get salt from combining dihydrogen and oxygen (instead of receiving the obvious water, which doesn't even exist in the game as usable item/component). Then I stumbled upon this research paper, read it completely (unfortunately the discussion section is longer than it needs to be due to them repeating most of their results in it) and now (by looking it up before writing this post) learned that you can form salts with hydroxide ions.

So while the process is much simplified and not always intuitive in the reactions in game (and the Salt icon says NaCl despite no sodium or chlorine having been used in the "refiner", just H2 and O, even though Na and Cl exist in game), that particular combination for the refiner now makes at least some sense to me.

A couple nice highlights from the paper:

To the question “What did you feel about the presence of chemistry in No Man’s Sky?” in which players had 5-levels to choose, from 1- Frustrated to 5-Excited, 46% selected the level 4, 23,8% the maximum-level and the lowest two levels combined for less than 6% of the answers.

To the question “Did No Man’s Sky make you feel motivated to know more about scientific topics?”, 57,9% answered “Yes”. And to the question “Did No Man’s Sky help you understand some concepts about chemistry?”, 35,7% answered positively.

In the end, we asked “When you think about chemistry or listen to words like ‘chemistry’ or ‘chemicals’, is usually a good or a bad thought?”, and 87,3% of the respondents answered “Good”.


I was only looking for some validation posts because I was annoyed at a couple of the more unrealistic reactions you have going in NMS. Like being able to get salt from combining dihydrogen and oxygen (instead of receiving the obvious water, which doesn't even exist in the game as usable item/component). Then I stumbled upon this research paper, read it completely (unfortunately the discussion section is longer than it needs to be due to them repeating most of their results in it) and now (by looking it up before writing this post) learned that you can form salts with hydroxide ions.

So while the process is much simplified and not always intuitive in the reactions in game (and the Salt icon says NaCl despite no sodium or chlorine having been used in the "refiner", just H2 and O, even though Na and Cl exist in game), that particular combination for the refiner now makes at least some sense to me.

A couple nice highlights from the paper:

To the question “What did you feel about the presence of chemistry in No Man’s Sky?” in which players had 5-levels to choose, from 1- Frustrated to 5-Excited, 46% selected the level 4, 23,8% the maximum-level and the lowest two levels combined for less than 6% of the answers.

To the question “Did No Man’s Sky make you feel motivated to know more about scientific topics?”, 57,9% answered “Yes”. And to the question “Did No Man’s Sky help you understand some concepts about chemistry?”, 35,7% answered positively.

In the end, we asked “When you think about chemistry or listen to words like ‘chemistry’ or ‘chemicals’, is usually a good or a bad thought?”, and 87,3% of the respondents answered “Good”.


Hiya, I hope I'm not completely in the wrong place (/c/Technology seems to only be dedicated to tech news but not questions). I have this powerbank with a built-in solar panel. The powerbank itself seems great so far, but it's a pretty tiny solar panel. I've read about the difficulty of just hooking up a regular powerbank to a solar panel (spikes and dips in voltage due to clouds, people, etc.).

But since this powerbank is already designed to be charged with solar energy, can I simply hook a big-ass solar panel onto it and recharge it much faster than the officially displayed "several days, depending on the weather"?


I witnessed the almost turquoise fireball while on a walk with my dogs. Since reporting it today morning, the event report features two pretty good videos of the meteor.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

As the happy recipient of a previous giveaway (thanks again, you know who you are!), I just bought the Prey Digital Deluxe Edition to gift one person.

Since I will be at an event almost the entire day tomorrow, I'll be checking in around 2100 or 2200 UTC+2 to randomly choose a winner!

Edit: Winner has been randomly selected!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Hey there, I hope question posts are okay. My fiancé and I are planning to turn our Dacia Dokker into this sorta mini camper amalgamation. Do any of you have experience with this sort of endeavor and can offer tricks or insightful knowledge?

Edit: I should add that it's supposed to be modular. So luckily (or unfortunately?) I don't need help on how to permanently fix furniture onto the car frame.


Not sure if this is a known problem, but for me it sometimes happens (especially when coming back to a browser tab after a few hours) that the comment threads and the main post are from two entirely different posts. Since it probably matters, I'm using beehaw via the Brave browser.


I should probably go to bed at this point. I typed up a short story of my arduous attempts at defending an outpost in the STALKER modpack GAMMA and how my game crashed when I turned in the quest. Sent off that post and woe-is-me, the entire text didn't get submitted and I didn't have it saved in copy-paste. It's just so ironically fitting.

So ya, what's something you'd like to ramble a bit about?

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