I absolutely agree that voting based on policies would be the better way. This is honestly how I cast my vote here in Germany every time. The only parties I inherently strike off my list are the big three (CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP) because they've been found to definitely be corrupt and didn't actually follow-through on so many policies. And the AFD because they are the new NPD (which were the new NSDAP).
Every other party is up for grabs and I check their general "mission statement" as well as their statements and planned policies to see if it aligns with my beliefs. I literally have no clue who the politicians are and don't care as long as they stay true to their policies.
Getting this good overview on multiple topics by this many parties is made easier thanks to the Wahl-O-Mat (Elect-O-Mat) that is set up for the major elections. In it, you put in your position on the relevant topics and not only do you see a numerical score of how your views compare to any other parties' but also can you (and are encouraged to) read through each party's detailed response to any particular topic.
I really can't speak on the security or data privacy of it, since I'm not knowledgeable enough in these topics, but I pay 1€ per month for Port87. I just love the ability to easily create sub-adresses and never have to worry about my "main adresses" receiving the spam I get for e.g. online shopping