I’m literally ashamed to be an American. Is that what it took for you? Not the rest of USA history?
How do you mean?
You know, I remember a picture with this exact joke, with these very words from waaaay back when "rage face" comics were popular, so about fifteen years ago
Well poop, have I had adhd all along?
Very well put, thank you!
Also, sugar is addictive. Like meth or heroin, people struggle with letting it go.
Don't I know it
please don’t buy so much junk food…why? because you have diabetes
This one hit too close to home. My mum has diabetes, dad is close to it, I can't get them to stop eating sweets
Yes. Soviet Union
I can finally say to have a body like ab action movie star, woohoo!
I hear there was one in california around the same time Thompson got his medical license revoked
This wondering is how you get into politics
Happiness Patrol and Smile?
If that were the case there would not be Plaza accords, dismemberment of Angstrom and the absolute annihilation of industry in the post-soviet states. "Free trade" is and always has been a fanciful banner for wealth extraction