The Israeli government sure doesn't. They know 100% that oppression leads to terrorism. They knew their actions would create Hamas, and they know that giving Palestinians equal rights would end the terrorist cause in an instant. When they say they condemn Hamas, they're lying. They love Hamas.
Where's the article? I can only see a headline and a picture
Missing: David Hume
Is this Tailwind HTML? It looks like Tailwind and it's also the reason I hate Tailwind
Population growth is not a cause of climate change worth paying attention to. Most of those extra two billion were born in poor countries, especially in Africa. These countries have a fraction of the per capita emissions of wealthy countries like America that are currently seeing or soon to see population decline. When we're having a conversation about how to control total emissions, it's orders of magnitude more efficient to focus on per capita emissions than on population. For one, we can reduce per capita emissions without getting into ethical issues regarding population control or economic issues like those caused by the one child policy in China.
Also adults generally hate learning. Kids like learning. I have better luck getting my cousins and niblings to play my extremely fun board games because the adults, even the smart ones, complain they're too stupid and slow to play a game that doesn't give instant gratification. Kids understand that most things worth doing are worth trying at, and you only get to have fun when you're willing to put yourself out there. Adults would rather get their fun from alcohol and loud noise, and will give up on new experiences after two minutes.
IMO most "flashy" frameworks betray the principle of high cohesion. Importing a time library to handle timezones is a great idea. Importing a math library to calculate derivatives is common sense for good reason. But huge frameworks that change the entire way a language is written are ridiculous. I'm looking at you, Vue and Tailwind. I usually see these sorts of frameworks used by people who aren't qualified programmers and who don't know software architectures or best practices. In other words, the kinds of people who get promoted to management positions and tell us what frameworks to use.
(Typescript is awesome though)
Uhhhh can I get a boneless pizza
It means giving a bare minimum of effort. Like when there's an important meeting at work and you attend on the phone so you don't have to get dressed or go anywhere. The term came about back when phones were low quality but still convenient, so phoning it in was easy, but frustrating to everyone else.
Or we teach all people to distrust authority and to remove bad leaders
Paywall, article is impossible to read
We can cut emissions hugely by eliminating plastic crap, building technology and tools to last, living in vibrant medium density neighbourhoods with public transit and bicycles for all, building renewable energy sources, and eliminating meat.
I wake up in the morning, ride my bike to a job where I fix old technology and make a difference, then pick up groceries from local and sustainable businesses, get some exercise and sun in on my bike, and make a delicious vegan meal like roast potatoes. I'm happier, more active, healthier, and I feel like my life makes a difference. You, meanwhile, get to ride around in your metal box having to maintain constant focus or you could kill someone, getting no exercise, and presumably eating meat that hurts animals, wastes carbon, and kills you faster. Of course you need a vacation on a plane to make you happy; your life is miserable.