I was looking at that one, thanks!
Thank you, i appreciate your extra guidance for lemmy lol
The tube is out there
Yep, I'm a big ol idiot that's scared of being wrong on the internet. Not that i don't want to waste my time with this argument that checks notes dogs are slaves.
This is an oversimplification. I have met plenty of people who are progressive or Democrat that believe some pretty wild things about vaccines and western medicine in general. Don't underestimate hippies.
I feel like you might be a troll so I'm just gunna disengage
I have gamed with my dad, I pick different games. Those ratings are handy sometimes.
I guess there are working breeds (hunting/herding/pest removal) so you're right in a way.
Personally, I view it as a symbiotic relationship. To each their own.
I can see it being awkward if it was like... my parent or someone i don't know well. My partner? No, we joke around, decide what to respond together, discuss what we like and don't like about it, you know, couple shit.
Slavery usually implies material profiting from another's unpaid labor. I've been losing money on this investment since day 1.
I have a family member that works as an engineer building parts for various spacecraft. They get excited about the possibility of finding a renewable energy source and just in general what science can gain and learn from space that will make life better on earth.
Do with that what you will, I'm neutral, I'm just providing a different perspective that I think is relevant.