Relevant part of the article: "In a now deleted feed on X apparently belonging to Taleb A., he made anti-Islam statements and self-identified as a Saudi dissident. He spoke openly about renouncing his Islamic faith, expressed sympathy for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and accused Germany of promoting the Islamization of the country."
No, a bigot who followed Afd, Elon Musk, and other racists and spouted a bunch of Islamophobic BS on Twitter and other social media, according to all reliable reporting.
Great! When can I get one installed?
Semi-serious here. I have the absolute worst sense of direction and would be thrilled if I could get an update to fix it lol.
My husband deals with that, and one thing that has helped him quite a bit is setting alarms. If he knows he is taking on an extended task, he will set an alarm on his phone for every hour or so. When it goes off, it distracts him from whatever he was doing and interrupts anything he is watching, so he is reminded to get back on task.
Another tool is accountability to another person. If he is having a bad focus day, he will sometimes ask me to bug him if I notice he is distracted for too long. Use this sparingly. I have been this person for a few people with ADHD, and using this too often has resulted in me being responded to like a parent asking their kid to stop playing games and eat their dinner. You don't want to end up viewing your friends and partners as though they are an authority figure.
As a trans man who is active in kink circles, this is one thing that I am constantly advocating for. The good news is that, as far as I can tell, men are more likely to listen and at least attempt to understand and embrace this than they have been in the past. Even compared to just a decade ago, more men are willing to investigate what they are attracted to in other people, regardless of gender, and much more appreciative of compliments from other men.
Thank you for sharing this. I will definitely be going through the other videos, and recommending this to others.
Thank you! We are on the opposite coast, but we are working with ministers like yourself to make sure we have plenty of options for people to choose from. Best of luck over the next years, and here's to many more happy weddings!
My husband and I did this after the Dobbs decision came down and cited 'future reconsiderations' for Casey and Obergefell. Called a handful of friends and family and told them to meet us at the courthouse in two weeks.
Now, we are bracing to help people who may have to travel to our blue state to get married, just like they had to 15-ish years ago. We may not be able to leave, but we have some means to help others, so we are doing what we can.
As a NY resident, her 'political concerns' are getting in the way of her doing anything useful and instead have her focusing on assetting her power over normal working people.
She pushed for an end to remote work and forcing return to office in 2021, ended the eviction moratorium in 2022, she agreed to a deal to let the taxpayers foot the bill for a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills in 2022, significantly delayed signing the Digital Fair Repair Act and kneecapped it by adding an amendment that allowed manufacturers to supply repair services instead of being forced to sell replacement parts, appointed a conservative (LaSalle) to the NY Court of Appeals, vetoed legislation to ban non-compete agreements, said that Israel had a right to "destroy Gaza", deployed the National Guard to crack down on "criminals" using the NYC subway, and proposed banning facemasks on the subway in response to protests.
Cuomo needed to go, but we need someone much better than her if we want someone to actually stand up against Trump.
I agree with the other poster, but wanted to share what I did in a similar situation.
I woke up one day with a rash on my hip. Over the next three days it spread to my whole body, I started getting swelling in my hands, feet, and face, and I was in an incredible amount of pain. This was in the middle of shutdown for Covid, so I couldn't just go to my doctor. Eventually I went to an urgent care after my husband insisted and drove me to four different locations to find one that had room. They diagnosed me with an allergic reaction and gave me IV Benadryl and light pain meds.
After confirming I hadn't eated anything new recently, the nurses there suggested I check my meds to see if I had any allergies there. I hadn't technically been on any 'new' meds, so I looked them all up online to review the interactions and warnings myself. Turns out one of the meds I was on had a rare, but not unheard of, effect of a patient having a delayed allergic reaction. I made sure none of my other meds had the same thing and called my doctor to reference that specific section of the drug overview. They checked on their end and agreed and told me to stop the med immediately since it was safer to do than risking further reaction.
I would suggest doing a bit of research on those and, if you go with an elimination method, check which ones can cause dangerous complications if stopped immediately.
My parents had kicked me out for unrelated reasons (I was a nerd and my mom was a believer in borderline Satanic Panic BS) and my extended family had welcomed me back because my parents were generally assholes to everyone and had been told they were no longer welcome at family get-togethers. When I rejoined that extended family, they told me all about how they couldn't imagine kicking anyone out a kid simply for being honest about how they want to live their life.
So when I came out to them a few years later, they realized that they couldn't really say anything about it because it would make them the same as my parents. Most of my aunts have come around, and even my grandad was happy to call me his grandson before he passed away. The main holdouts are my uncles and the one aunt who is a strict Catholic despite being divorced herself. But if I weren't to be invited, it would be a big issue with enough family members that they always ask.
Thankfully I am not entirely alone, as my one cousin got gay married last year as well, so now we joke about being the rainbow sheep of the family lol.
Because that way people have an excuse to attack trans people. They can cite 'fear of assault' and in many cases not even be arrested.
The concept of trans men being forced to use the ladies room isn't a gotcha. It is a plot to enforce gender conformity. Ask any butch lesbian how they treat people who look too masculine if they enter the ladies room, and understand that they want that to happen to anyone who doesn't conform.