
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Best summary. The people of Myanmar fight for their freedom while China is arming the suppressors.

[–] 31 points 3 days ago (2 children)

There is no right to have an account. Especially if you have an account in an authocratic website/country. You can be fired/deleted/silenced at will without any right for reinstatement. Therefore X and FB or other can and will never be the spearhead of a movement in any country, if it can be take away at the blink of an eye in arbitrariness. Who is curious and wants to follow certain streams in our society, you need to inform yourself on where and how. That is work and takes ambition. People losely following on X for updates on how proceed will always be tourists. The Revolution will not be televised. The next steps by the underground will never be aired on TV or X. If you still think you could use Whatsapp and Facebook to fight the system only has a shallow understanding of the goals. I do understand that public plattforms have reach and therefore are a good start for grassrooting of public opionions, but as you can see, it does not scale over time. If you are invested in the resistance and care for the topic, you need to search other places to communicate what is undesired to discuss. If all it takes, to lose your strings, is to delete an X account to bringt you back to shrugging "Nothing we can do", you never were invested in the first place. But if you read this text on, you probably are already aware of this.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)
[–] 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Disney has launched a brand-new 24/7 Stream for “The Simpsons”, offering 767 episodes across seasons 1 thru 35, which are programmed in chronological order at launch. This means a total of nearly 300 continuous hours with the Simpsons family.

So instead of selecting your own season/episode and skip the bad ones, we are back at linear TV? But now you pay for it.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

It is a nice picture, but my jaw did not drop.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Sublime! There are DOZENS of us! Dozens!

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

It'sa me! Your Boii!

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Context: Roman–Gallic wars

Over the course of nearly four centuries, the Roman Republic fought a series of wars against various Celtic tribes, whom they collectively described as Galli, or Gauls. Among the principal Gallic peoples described as antagonists by Greek and Roman writers were the Senones, Insubres, Boii, and Gaesatae.

The Romans first came into conflict with Gauls who entered Italy from the north. Some of these settled in the lands immediately south of the Alps, which became known as Cisalpine Gaul: "Gaul this side of the Alps". Gaulish armies, some perhaps fighting as mercenaries in the service of the cities of Magna Graecia, plundered territory in Etruria and Latium during the fourth century, famously sacking Rome circa 390 BC.

[–] 22 points 1 week ago (2 children)
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Maybe farting in public would be more accepted today, if we would still see each other eye to eye when droping the big loads.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

As it is tradition from Moscovia. Yuri Bezmenov in 1983 told us all we need to know.

but there are no news that it's mainly propaganda

subversion always a destructive

aggressive activity aimed to destroy the

country Nation or geographical area of

your enemy the highest art of warfare is

not to fight at all but to subvert

anything of value in the country of your

enemy until such time that the

perception of reality of your enemy is

screwed up to such an extent that it

does not perceive you as an enemy and

that your system your civilization and

your Ambitions look to the your enemy as

an alternative

That is the current state of the US.

United States is a receptive Target of

subversion the ultimate purpose the

final stage of subversion simply take

your enemy without a single shot being

fired this is basically what subversion

is it consists of four periods the first

stage of subversion is the process which

is called demoralization it takes from

say 15 to 20 years to demoralize a

society by 15 or 20 years this is the

time sufficient to educate one

generation influencing the Outlook

ideology personality by various methods

infiltration propaganda methods direct

contacts doesn't really matter various

areas where public opinion is formulated

or shaped


educational system

social life


law enforcement system military and

labor and employer relations

what happens here

the target country if it's a free

Democratic Society there are many

different movements within the society

in every society there are people who

are against this Society they may be

simple criminals ideologically in

disagreement with the with the state

policy conscientious enemies simply

psychotic personalities who are against

anything right and finally they're a

small group of Agents of a foreign

Nation but


recruited in case of religion destroyed

ridicule it

replace it with various sex Cults which

bring people's attention as long as they

basically accepted religious Dogma is

being slowly eroded and taken away from

the Supreme purpose of religion to keep

people in touch with with the Supreme

Being that serves the purpose education

distract them from learning something

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

These things take time. I was a reddit user for 10+ years and left 3 years ago. Since then, reddit is in a downspiral. Whenever I visit Reddit (I still do, without an account) I can hardly recognize the place. There is no hourly changing Frontpage anymore. I sometimes see things that are 1-2 days old. Crazy worn down place.

Why you click on this if you do not want to participate? I have no interest in this discussion with you. If you need the reddit falldown happen in the timespan of a tiktok video, this is up to you. Rome didnt burned down in a day. Those system erode, corrode and fall apart over long times.

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