
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

What are the realistic potential outcomes of everything going on?

Not sure. I don't think anyone really is.

Part of the reason that there are not big protest yet is that many many people that do disagree with the administration have/had been looking towards the Democratic party to fight back. But that isn't happening which is adding to the shock and awe of things. Truly Americans don't really know what to do and without a large organizing presence to help drive a big push back there really isn't anything being done.

I do hope that someone steps up soon and starts to organize a push back. Haven't seen it yet.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (6 children)

There are a lot of European keyboard warriors that don't seem to know much about America (other than social media) that keep trying to call out Americans for not "protesting right."

It shows that they have no clue about the size of the country or the fact that the shock and awe that started this administration knocked everyone on their heels and only now are we starting to mobilize.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 3 days ago (9 children)

I can understand your point of not wanting to travel to the US and you're correct that there is a high number of people that have a negative view of anyone "different" than them. And I would probably say it's a good idea not to for the reason you gave and more, but there are many very passionate people that are fighting for the rights of everyone in America, they just don't get the press so it can be easily interpreted that no one in the US cares.

There are rotten people in power and due to their station they have control of the microphone which makes it sound like that is what everyone thinks. That isn't true.

[–] [email protected] 184 points 4 days ago (6 children)

although apparently the rape thing and being an overall creep was never an issue.

Well that is because the rape or creepiness didn't happen directly to them or an immediate family member. There is no empathy with trump voters.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

I honestly think that both parties like to not be in power for this very reason. All the money and none of the responsibilities. Pretty sweet setup

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

because of a long established undercurrent of competition within departments (and even between professors) for recognition and advancement. That and there are some people that have very large but very fragile egos that can't allow another person or discipline to grab more sunlight than them.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I understand not wanting to go 100% weird with most people, but damnit weird is interesting. So be a bit weird.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

You know if you just use a sharpie to draw the line going up instead of down there isn't a problem anymore.

[–] [email protected] 122 points 1 week ago (1 children)

JFC I'd actually appreciate the maga version of the Democrats.

These fictional Democrats are organized, well funded, cohesive and seem to have a great long term strategy for ruining republicans. With an organization like that you'd think that they would be in control of the government?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I think nothing would elevate the hatred of billionaires more than if they buy up the national parks for their own private estates.

Great Smokey national park is now the walton's family compound

Rocky Mountain National park is now the gates compound

Yosemite becomes musk's outdoor playground

The grand canyon is bezo's now

Just writing that elevated my blood pressure

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Great list, thank you for putting it together!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes they did but they didn't lose control of their narrative which is weak and feckless.

"give me more money and keep me in power and I promise to not do much." and "don't look left, they are crazy!"


Two years on a can of fucking beans is still the most upvoted post.


How did this western societal idea of how a man should act, and what emotions are appropriate to show come about? How far back in western history does this idea of limiting men’s ability to emote honestly go? And how did these ideas change over time?

It’s interesting to me because I feel like these traditional and limited roles that western society puts on men (and women) are just that traditions. That it’s just something “that we do because past generations did them.” So my curiosity is why did past generations have these societal rules in place? was there a legitimate reason for it, did having men be almost robotic even in the privacy of his home and around his family have some necessary and important reason? If so is that still necessary today?

Edit: had this posted on c/asklemmy but it was suggested this was a better place for this question.


I posted this a year ago, thought as the election gets closer to re-post it just because I think this part of a trump presidency is being ignored. So if you need another reason to not vote for this piece of shit and his lessor demons here it is.


One study by the First Street Foundation, a research firm that studies climate threats to housing, found that roughly 3.2 million Americans have already migrated, many over short distances, out of flood zones, such as low-lying parts of Staten Island, Miami and Galveston, Texas. Over the next 30 years, 7.5 million more are projected to leave those perennially flooded zones, according to the study.

All of this suggests a possible boom for inland and Northern cities. But it also will leave behind large swaths of coastal and other vulnerable land where seniors and the poor are very likely to disproportionately remain.


Covering large parking lots with solar panels is an idea that goes back decades but in America at least it's an idea that has never really taken off.

What is the reason for that? Is it due to the overall cost or is there something else that keeps Walmart, Target, Costco, Sams Club, Malls, etc. from covering their parking lots with these panels and selling the power?


What's your go to for music while you workout?


This question has been around for a while but I'm curious as to your answer

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