
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

This effect is so interesting. Love it!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I thought it was because some of the previous things I asked for involved birds and it was just thinking that I want birds in all my prompts. I had a bunch with random birds, lol


Dall-E 3.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Thor's helmet looks so cool. Glad they enhance the images so they look this beautiful.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

I cannot tell you how split I am between 'laughing until my sides hurt' and 'chills up my spine'. Do you think he can swim fast?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Started watching the 'Ted' series and 'Shifting Gears'. Easy streaming vibes. Glad that Tim Allen is still in things.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

I disliked the hatebase on that show. Leaving things to the imagination is part of the art of fiction in general. Those who want every question answered, every plot hole filled, have no suspension of disbelief. I just wished there were more seasons.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I couldn't afford the subscription fee. Now I watch for free only streaming.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

See, I have ebooks I want in audio, so I have to settle for 'robot' android voice when there is no 'audiobook option'

Any good podcast recs? Any genre/subject is fine.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

I agree. I used the term 'marijuana aficionado' because I hang out with those who exclusively smoke bud straight up from the dispensary. I don't get involved with other types of users.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 days ago (3 children)

There is research and papers showing that heavy music in general can actually be therapeutic and make someone calmer, rather than the perceived opposite effect. It can be a great outlet. I listen to metal, heavy music, all the time but when I have used it as a coping mechanism, i.e. an outlet for stress, it has definitely allowed me to release such tension. Not only that, but singing/screaming to vocals along to the music surely does release all of energy, and while there are outsiders who might perceive the music as 'angry' the incorrect connection they're making is that anger is an energetic emotion, as in unreleased energy/tension. Metal isn't angry music, it is energetic. That is why it makes such good workout music. It stimulates and satisfies that part of our lives, letting us be some of the 'nicest, most wholesome and fun people all around'.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Marijuana Aficionados. I've been straight edge my entire life but always hung out with them. Now, it is more common since legal restrictions have been lifted. The community in general is well, chill.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26885166


And learning from the mistakes of others (part added by OP)....

Via article:

Tl;dr: they did way more squats than their normal routine. Their muscles released too much of a toxin (dead muscle fibers via rhabdomyolysis) and caused kidneys to not be able to get rid of all it needed to, causing kidney damage/failure. This doesn't always happen if a person is regularly engaged in intense exercise.

So when the article mentioned that they "Weren't used to exercising in general"

My first reaction was:

Talk about overestimating your capabilities. Good reason to point out that everyone has limits and in order to push those limits, one needs to work up to it.

So I decided to reflect:

There is much to be said about these kinds of things

"It's said that a wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns from others' mistakes. But the wisest person of all learns from others' successes." -John C. Maxwell.

While it is always advantageous to learn something from our mistakes, we have to discern when to learn from someone else's mistakes or another's success. Because someone with experience is said to have made a series of mistakes, learned from them and can therefore tell us the multiple things that we shouldn't do, based on what they are doing, successfully. We ask ourselves, or them, why they do something a certain way and not another, and are often met with the answer or discovery that it doesn't work that way, or it is less efficient. So, we trust those with experience over knowledge, because of this and the fact that experience is more often than not, knowledge applied, tested and proven.

This doesn't mean to always observe how another succeeds in a given task. There are times such as this article which illustrate the invaluable wisdom gained when we observe, note and apply what we learn from the mistakes of others. This also does not place any hierarchy on the three; both learning from our mistakes, other's mistakes and other's successes, as well as our own successes, can be equally invaluable. What is foolish is relying solely on one of these methods, and always ignoring the rest.

"The 1000-squat challenge is a fairly common challenge" but the lesson is to know that those who do it have some sort of regular exercise, and generally have healthy enough bodies to withstand and endure such. It is also noted that this instance is rare, but moreover just because there is a low likelihood, doesn't mean one should go about it unprepared, or unready.

In my early twenties, I had gained a significant amount of weight. Naively, I went right in to exercise apps with challenges, after being somewhat sedentary for a few years. I hadn't realized then, just how out of shape I was. Of course, I wasn't able to really complete them at first which was lucky for me, I might have sprained something or twisted another. I made a slow and steady approach after that.

Over the years, I learned just how important gradual improvement and intensity was. Not only is it great to start small when exercising, but in almost any other endeavor. Granted, there can be exceptions, but for the most part "one small step" can be a much more fortified and safe strategy, when gradually working up to "one giant leap" than just jumping directly in the deep end. We tend to expose ourselves to much more problems that way.

Everyone has their own strategy and there truly is not a right or wrong answer, just evidence based on the observation and experiences of oneself and others. Overall, if something becomes too challenging, and perseverance seems like it isn't enough, a change of perspective might help such as breaking one's goal into smaller and smaller steps to the right difficulty for them.


And learning from the mistakes of others (part added by OP)....

Via article:

Tl;dr: they did way more squats than their normal routine. Their muscles released too much of a toxin (dead muscle fibers via rhabdomyolysis) and caused kidneys to not be able to get rid of all it needed to, causing kidney damage/failure. This doesn't always happen if a person is regularly engaged in intense exercise.

So when the article mentioned that they "Weren't used to exercising in general"

My first reaction was:

Talk about overestimating your capabilities. Good reason to point out that everyone has limits and in order to push those limits, one needs to work up to it.

So I decided to reflect:

There is much to be said about these kinds of things

"It's said that a wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns from others' mistakes. But the wisest person of all learns from others' successes." -John C. Maxwell.

While it is always advantageous to learn something from our mistakes, we have to discern when to learn from someone else's mistakes or another's success. Because someone with experience is said to have made a series of mistakes, learned from them and can therefore tell us the multiple things that we shouldn't do, based on what they are doing, successfully. We ask ourselves, or them, why they do something a certain way and not another, and are often met with the answer or discovery that it doesn't work that way, or it is less efficient. So, we trust those with experience over knowledge, because of this and the fact that experience is more often than not, knowledge applied, tested and proven.

This doesn't mean to always observe how another succeeds in a given task. There are times such as this article which illustrate the invaluable wisdom gained when we observe, note and apply what we learn from the mistakes of others. This also does not place any hierarchy on the three; both learning from our mistakes, other's mistakes and other's successes, as well as our own successes, can be equally invaluable. What is foolish is relying solely on one of these methods, and always ignoring the rest.

"The 1000-squat challenge is a fairly common challenge" but the lesson is to know that those who do it have some sort of regular exercise, and generally have healthy enough bodies to withstand and endure such. It is also noted that this instance is rare, but moreover just because there is a low likelihood, doesn't mean one should go about it unprepared, or unready.

In my early twenties, I had gained a significant amount of weight. Naively, I went right in to exercise apps with challenges, after being somewhat sedentary for a few years. I hadn't realized then, just how out of shape I was. Of course, I wasn't able to really complete them at first which was lucky for me, I might have sprained something or twisted another. I made a slow and steady approach after that.

Over the years, I learned just how important gradual improvement and intensity was. Not only is it great to start small when exercising, but in almost any other endeavor. Granted, there can be exceptions, but for the most part "one small step" can be a much more fortified and safe strategy, when gradually working up to "one giant leap" than just jumping directly in the deep end. We tend to expose ourselves to much more problems that way.

Everyone has their own strategy and there truly is not a right or wrong answer, just evidence based on the observation and experiences of oneself and others. Overall, if something becomes too challenging, and perseverance seems like it isn't enough, a change of perspective might help such as breaking one's goal into smaller and smaller steps to the right difficulty for them.


A songwriting community, for musicians and amateur sound designers?


From my archive, when I used to make smudge paint. I will definitely be bringing back this style in future artworks.

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  1. Alcohol & Drug Abuse Lake
  2. Autism Peak (personal favorite, no spoiler)
  3. Hornsea Prison & Hell on earth
  4. Volvo Island
  5. Poo Poo Point & Pee Pee Creek
  6. Squidward Community College
  7. Disappointment Island

Can anyone in Canada confirm that trains make a 'Poo Poo' sound, which is what he reports the reason for Poo Poo point's name is?


Every once in a while, I muster up the courage to make a live recording of myself.

Should I import this into Procreate and further edit/color/texture?

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