The other day, my parents and I were checking out some conspiratorial pamphlet that was shoved into our mailbox, that claimed "mEdIcInE uSe Is ThE #3 gReAtEsT kIlLeR!!1" and we collectively went "#2 is water drinking and #1 is oxygen inhalation."
Alt text:
I wonder what surviving human held the record before balloons (excluding edge cases like jumping gaps on a mountain bridge). Probably it was someone falling from a cliff into snow or water, but maybe it involved something weird like a gunpowder explosion or volcano.
Me: Is this birdcage made out of nickel?
Pet Store: Aluminum I think
Me: So there's no nickel in this cage?
Pet Store: Don't you dare!
Me: It's a nickleless cage
Pet Store: GET OUT!
[pictured is a long-haired Nicholas Cage, looking fabulous in the sun and wind. To his left, it's captioned with the text "Worth it"]
If I click the chain icon on a comment with MMB on the website (, BE: 0.18.3, accessed via Firefox), it opens to a blank tab. If I do so with LMB, it works just fine.
Yeah, I just pluck it from my car pocket and *poof*, car.