Well i can tolerate some things but starving dogs its not one of them
Wrong site brother
People are so dumb, the effect of doing this its only one: You lost a car...
Thats how elections work everywhere in the world... Wtf are you talking about?
This is not about money anymore
And who you going to put on the guillotines? You own! People are getting so blind with anger
All my life between work and family, this is insane, we cant talk about emmigration that you are auto a racista. This shit is worst than reddit
Im sorry but Macron its not an example for anyone, look at France, its a ticking bomb, Paris its an immigration nightmare with a lot of social and criminal problems. They cant talk to anyone, Europe is imploding, Germany its in a 3 years hot streak with recession, France is what it is, Portugal and Spain are the new tourism whores, the rest of the countries are trying to hide for all this. Big plus that at least Americans voted for Trump but Europeans didnt voted for Ursula von der Leyen, the grass its not greener here
Bro, i gave up, this is getting worst than Reddit in some matters. And yep, or you say you love them or they will downvote you to Mordor, there is no Middle ground on Middle ground
For the Alliance 💪