A housing allowance for everyone who makes under say 100000 a year fully paid for by taxes on non primary residence home owners
Tax the fucking rich and let the vast majority of people CHOOSE how they want to live.
Also this has significant reduction of crime and societal benefits as well as health benefits.
Think of everyone you have ever known or heard about that didn't leave a bad situation because they didn't know how they would afford a place to live. From domestic abuse, to homelessness and all the other situations.
Yes a few people will take advantage of this, but the vast majority of people will be lifted up. If done correctly where the money they earn from whatever job/career they have isn't sacrificed so that they can go out into their communities and eat at restaurants, use services, hire professionals, actually go to your doctor, we will live in a much better society
There is a video game called brutal legend he does character for if interested.
Yes I'm a bit of a fan.
Inferno is probably my favourite Motorhead album, if you wanted to check em out