Yep. Can't say I explored very much tho, chauruses are icky
So many people complain about Nirnroot, yet I never noticed the sound or picked a Nirnroot in my many hours of Skyrim.. how tf did I miss them lol
Never thought about why people throw molotovs that way, but that makes a lot of sense
So long Yiffit, and to everyone here I've talked to you've all been great and a pleasure to interact with. I fucking love weird little corners of the internet, and I'm sad to see this one go. Thank you everyone, keep being weird, keep being yourselves.
I'll be around under this name on,, and Cheers.
Until the number of work days is no longer reduced.. At least that means good money ig
Elongated Muskrat
I really hope these aren't my last comments
it's sand
I'm turned on anyway /j
I pretend to be a cat every day, and you live in fantasy land more than me
Just make sure you can handle all the various animal noises. Therians/otherkin really like their preferred animal sounds. Meow.
I knew the furries were right all along