This is the UK. We don't do plea bargains. There are sentencing guidelines which include giving credit for an early guilty plea but, in this case, I doubt it will make much difference to whatever sentence he eventually gets.
Because they're going to throw the book at him regardless now.
He may also disagree with the "lawfully detained" bit of the charge, given that he has pleaded not guilty to the original charges he was due to stand trial for. But he doesn't really have anything to lose either way. There are screaming tabloids on the case now, he might as well spin it out.
He's got absolutely no reason to plead guilty. He's not going to get a lighter sentence so he might as well cost them as much as possible by forcing a trial, and extending the news coverage of this embarrassing story.
Not a fan of the guy or his ideology but, from his perspective, this makes perfect sense.
Yes, UK (sorry, should have said). And yes, the BBC commissions the vast majority of drama for radio. No idea if the US has any kind of equivalent.
I guess we would call it a "radio play" because that sort of format has been around on radio for a long time. I've never come across one produced as an audio book, rather than for radio first, so I don't know if anyone has tried to coin another name.
Really shit headline.
Spanish teens have AI nudes posted on porn sites, in group chats, and used in attempted blackmail.
Like, for example, being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to derail a discussion.
Heroic effort to shoe-horn in some irrelevant Musk spam.
Unless you have a dedicated source of renewable energy that does not feed excess back into the grid, all the electricity you use has the exact same mix of fossil and renewable as the grid you're connected to.
That is an argument for improving the fuel sources used by the grid, not an argument against switching to things that can physically be powered by renewables.
Aren't those Nigella seeds?
If they are Chia (or anyone wants to make this with Chia), make sure they're properly soaked. They're so thirsty for water they can cause some awful bowel problems if you eat them dry.
If you try to ban breeds you just get an ever-expanding list of banned breeds, and penalise good owners alongside bad. People who want dogs as a weapon, or who want the look but can't put the time in, will always find new breeds to abuse.
Leash-laws, compulsory muzzling, licencing for larger dogs, and training for owners are much more effective. This problem is exploding (again) because so many inexperienced people got dogs during the pandemic and now don't have the time to spend with them.
The problem isn't going to disappear just because you can name a new hate-breed of the month. All doggoes are good doggoes, too many owners let them down. We can do something about that, if we want to.
Reposting this from above (not my link originally): Why Breed-Specific Legislation Doesn’t Work
It looks a lot like a retrofit solution to the original kitchen designer never actually having used a kitchen. We've been house-hunting for a while and it's amazing how many newly fitted kitchens don't have space for a fridge. Or sinks butted up against the wall or the edge of a counter so you don't have anywhere to put the dirty dishes.