It doesn't even go to the ceiling! Imagine the dust.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
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the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
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This is what gets me. If they were forced to have load bearing pillars there, I could at least try to understand making use of the space. What is even the point of these walls?!
Everyone is so god damn obsessed with “open concept” that they try to wedge it in to places it makes no sense. When we were looking at houses, this kind of thing was everywhere. There probably used to be an enclosed rather small kitchen and then they tore down the walls and there’s no where for the fridge. So the kitchen is now invading the living room so there’s no where for furniture to really fit and the openness is broken up by this dumb enclosure which ruins the openness anyway. And it probably sold for over the asking price.
Usually it’s a flipper which generally means they have no taste, glob on to Pinterest trends, and do everything as cheaply and janky as possible.
Sounds like my house. The previous owner did all of the decorating, and she was not talented. I've only recently bought the house so I keep wondering around and looking at bits and going, why the hell did you do that.
This is a mobile home.
My uncle had one with this layout in the early 2000s.
That's where we put the booze.
My cat would find a way to be up there all day
Looks like a good spot to lie down
It's even pointed away from the kitchen??
That's the shame part.
Is it? I think in the top right picture you are looking at the left side of the fridge not the back.
Nope, look at the floor pattern. You're looking at the back.
Needs a fourth wall and all painted black. Then it can teach all your apes how to use tools.
My thought exactly. Clearly this is the home of a serious Kubrick fan.
It's so egregiously bad that I kinda like it.
Should've painted it like Dr Who's TARDIS.
Stoner design
Is it even plugged in?
You don't think they'd build a refrigerator nook at an odd angle in the middle of the room without installing an outlet too, do you?
Honestly? Kinda
You can see what appears to be a junction box cover on the back
"did we forget anything? Ooh man!"
And water line for the water dispenser
how to make a refrigerator 5x less efficient and 10x as ugly
Why less efficient?
Because it pumps heat from inside to the back, so if the back is blocked it will struggle to pump heat into that tiny overheated space
No room for it to breathe. Just massive amounts of expelled energy trapped in a small space.
Who would think of this? It's so random.
It looks a lot like a retrofit solution to the original kitchen designer never actually having used a kitchen. We've been house-hunting for a while and it's amazing how many newly fitted kitchens don't have space for a fridge. Or sinks butted up against the wall or the edge of a counter so you don't have anywhere to put the dirty dishes.
Honestly, not the "Shame! Shame! Shame!" video I expected. I thought we were getting game of thrones. Pleasantly surprised.
You freeze my food on the top shelf of the refrigerator side, you go into solitary. Your shelf pops off dropping my condiments, you go in solitary. You beep at me for having the door open too long while I'm loading groceries into you, in solitary. Do not fuck with me, Whirlpool.
You tell me to replace the 7 year old water filter, believe it or not solitary. We have the best refrigerators because of solitary.
When the architect graduated from The Sims School of Design and Urbanism
It's definitely to hide the back of the fridge which is ugly, that said I probably would have put it on the wall with the stove, and maybe moved the stove across if that was cramped.
Wow, at first I thought maybe they couldn't put the refrigerator space there because it was a shaft, but it looks like that entire section of wall is for the closet, so I really don't know what they were thinking here. Bizarre design. Looks like maybe the project was going out for bid when they realized they forgot to make room and this was the only solution they could come up with.
Am I old if I even recognize reddit reposts on lemmy? I guess we've gone full circle now
Turning this into the dog cage of shame for an imagined significant other :3
Is this Marilyn Manson?
these open floor plans are getting a bit ridiculous
I mean, there must have been a wall behind it at one point but who would demolish the wall and not the nook?
Is that how you're supposed to use fridge bought in Wallmart?