Ah, glad to hear it! I'll definitely give it a whirl, thanks.
Dang, those are beautiful screenshots. I recently moved over to Linux and have only tried a couple of games on here, but I should see how that one works... haven't played it in a few months, and I have ways to go in it. I don't even remember what chapter I'm on.
of the corn XD
I think because I'm kinda colorblind, this one's tough for me. My eyes mainly see the geometric shapes, the squared wood and stones in the upper right and left. The plant in the middle kind of blends into the rest of the shot for me. Maybe if i could see green better...!
Wow, you got right on that, hahaha. Nice. :) I think I've seen most of the TNG episodes, TNG is my fave of the ST series, and that might be my most memorable episode because it's so unlike the others, and just a darn good story. Enjoy the rest!
Whoa, I just listened to the Tool song and it is a trip... thanks for that.
Beautiful colors!
Ain't that a kick in the nuts..
Right on, thanks!
Awesome!! Let me know what you think!
lol, nice. I'll have to listen to that song.. I got into their earlier stuff when it came out.
The flute was a reference to a ST:TNG episode, "Inner Light." Kind of a classic.. I won't spoil it in case you watch it!
I have my focused window opaque, the rest transparent+blur.