An assessment of windscribes European performance is helpful because I had no idea.
I'm in Canada (windscribe is Canadian), and find windscribe to be pretty good. So maybe it depends on location.
I think you're right in that it's better to be subtle.
The thing about audiences is that they span the gamut, so a little bit of in-your-face is likely seen as warranted for that spectrum of the audience, and a little bit of subtle for observant viewers casts a wider net.
Although I find Doctor Who to be among the least subtle in whatever it tries to do in the genre so, anything over the top kind of feels like it fits in the show as long as they intersperse the season with less obvious commentary as well. My partner only complained that everyone was running around and screaming the whole time 😂
Let's just hope nobody interprets using proper pronouns as leading to a nuclear apocalypse 🫣
There is a drug called loyal in testing, someone linked to it here as well.
This is so interesting. Because there was definitely a sunset in the same place because of the jittery refracted lens flare you get on small lenses with image stabilisation showing a bright sun was indeed there.
But there appears to be rotoscoping on the foreground, especially visible on the edges of the snow on the roof.
But there is definitely a beautiful sunset casting orange glow on the landscape.
So it looks like they took a picture of the same sunset separately and composited it to the background to effectively increase the dynamic range.
Am I right?