Extortion, corruption, and wielding the government against his enemies.
Jellyfin depends on proprietary Microsoft .NET, even on Linux.
It's still better than Plex and Emby, which are fully proprietary, and have no source code. But I will stick with sshfs with kodi, and nginx plus mpv for now.
This reminds me of Trump's trial where he was threatened like 5 times with contempt, for outbursts in the courtroom. They never actually held him in contempt.
The 25th wasn't intended for illegal actions. It was for when the president has a stroke and goes comatose, or other forms of incapacitation.
Impeachment is the constitution's main way to get rid of a corrupt president.
This looks like AI. I wish you would label it if it is.
Pre-dentistry, a bunch of your teeth would have fallen out before your wisdom teeth came in. There would have been space for the wisdom teeth so they wouldn't need to come in sideways.
Ceramic resonators have a typical accuracy of +/-0.5%. An error of +182Hz is a +0.57% error rate.
Here is a datasheet cited by the Wikipedia article. It says 0.5% initial error, another 0.3% over its full temperature range, and another 0.3% over 10 years of aging.
Using a litter box for the passing of stool, urine or other human byproducts
They put that in the law because they want people to think it actually happens.
It reminds me of the time that a proposed bill outlawed "critical race theory" in schools, which it defined (in part) as teaching that present-day white people must feel guilty about past slavery. But nobody had ever taught that.
In incognito or private browsing mode, you are way more likely to be blocked or forced to fill out a captcha, because the site won't see any tracking cookies you would otherwise have.
To Google, preserving your privacy looks the same as being a bot. Using a VPN, clearing cookies, using private browsing, being signed out of a Google account, are all things that improve your privacy but look like bot activity. Google can use the excuse of blocking bots when their actual goal is tracking.
OP isn't trying to post, just trying to view. There is no justification for a captcha there.
So that they can have a direct hotline to him. He would rather listen to rich tech CEOs than working people.
This is why people hate centrist Democrats.