I wonder if the tasks pane has been added to the new outlook yet. Last time I tried it at work it was no where to be found. I like having my flagged items next to my inbox.
You should have been born to wealthy parents instead of trying to pull your self up by your own boot straps.
Also to be fair, we in Australia are far from being some car free utopia either.
We have heaps of car dependant urban sprawl in our major cities where the vast majority of us live. We are also adding more of this sprawl all the time.
On the plus side most of our state capital cities have got decent heavy rail networks which you can park at stations and ride.
Maybe an attempt to push more people to their app? Then they can harvest more user data which investors value.
I've switched to pipepipe for the time being. On fdroid.
I don't have a search bar on Graphene OS.
This (outsourcing) was already done 20 years ago in my industry. WFH changes nothing.
Indeed it would be. I've recently degoogled by installing Graphene on my phone too.
I'd never really used my gmail account for email or calendar previously anyway as I never liked it from the start. It's just what my android's have been tied to.
Last non-android was a Nokia 95-4. Was still fairly smart though. In fact if I recall it had a lot more functionality than the iPhone 3g that my gf had at the same time.
Last non smart was probably the Nokia 7250.
Yeah not something I plan to take up in my country either.
Probably overkill but I still run an old x86 office PC I picked up cheap in an auction. Currently running Linux mint + Kodi. Really like the Kore phone app to control it.