
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 1 hour ago


[–] 4 points 1 day ago

I see the problem.

You ain't got that little rubbery scrollly doohickey.

Normally you can also kinda nudge it to make it scroll sideways, but since yours seems to be missing, I'd call the manufacturer but idk honestly

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)
Wealth, shown to scale (

It's funny till it's not

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I find that mexican food is about creating a filling, a salsa, then it's a matter of toppings, sides, and preparation.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

El carnicero hizo la cecina. Compró las tortillas, pero todo lo demás es casero.

The butcher made the cecina. Bought the tortillas, but everything else is homemade.

(Traductor de Google porque mis habilidades en español son específicas de la comida y mi español conversacional es terrible.)

(Google translate because my Spanish skills are food specific, and my conversational Spanish is terrible)

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Filling: Cecina (Salted Cured Dried Beef) 1lb White Onion, Large 1 per lb of Cecina Nopales, 4 pads per lb of cecina

Prepare the nopales • Scrape off thorns with back of knife • Cut off outer edge and thick base • Slice into strips then squares • Boil for 15 minutes with 1/4 white onion, 2 smashed garlic, salt pepper • Strain and rinse

Slice onion, somewhat thicc Cut Cecina into small taco slice squares

Pan fry onion until translucent Add cecina until cooked through Combine nopales to finish filling

Guajillo salsa: 6 Dried Guajillos 1-2 dried Arbol* 3 cloves of garlic 1/2 onion 3-4 Tomatoes 2tsp of Tomato/Chimken bullion

This makes about 1 pint of salsa

Bring water to a boil, add everything(except for the bullion) , Boil for about 15 minutes until chilies are soft. Blend (add bullion here) everything until smooth Add 1/2-1 Cup of boiled chili water until correct consistency Fry in hot oil to finish

*0 for Fruity Smokey only salsa, 1 for mild salsa, 2 for standard heat, 3 for bootyburn

Avocado Cilantro lime crema (threw this together to preserve ripened avocados so make it up however you like: 5 Teeny Avocados from trader joes 5 limes juiced 1 bunch of cilantro 14oz of meixcan crema Salt Cold water for consistency

This makes about a pint as well

Twist the top of the cilantro bunch off the bulk of the stems, add to a blender/food processor with the lime juice, avocados, and salt.

My food processor wasn't big enough to add the crema too, so I just took the avocado cilantro mix and folded it into the crema until combined. Add cold water and mix until it reaches your desired consistency (not gloopy, but not liquid)

Then you slap the tacos together.

These ingredients are also great for chilaquiles, enchiladas, flautas, whatever your mexican heart desires.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (3 children)

What I learned.

Sync is perfectly fine, but it might be out of date soon and doesn't get updated frequently. If it breaks, I should switch to another app. Boost, Thunder, and Voyager seem to be the most recommended

[–] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I'd call the flavor a cross between green bean and asparagus.

To get the slime out without mucking up your pan, boil it for 15 minutes. Add a chunk of onion, cloves is garlic, salt, pepper to the water for flavor. Then drain, rinse with water, and 90% of the slime will be gone. Then just combine with the rest of your cooked filling.

If you are going for a vegetarian taco, I recommend adding queso de frier (friable cheese) for that hit of salt, fat, and chewy texture. Dice it up into small pieces. Fry it with a touch of neutral oil until it's brown and crispy on all sides.

[–] 17 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Watch usps cuts in democratic areas lose every mail in ballot until after election day, assuming mail in ballots aren't illegal before then


I only use mobile. Never tried Lemmy on a PC.


With guajillo salsa and avocado cilantro lime crema


Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention and said around two dozen settlers — some masked, some carrying guns, some in Israeli uniform — attacked the village. Soldiers who arrived pointed their guns at the Palestinians, while settlers continued throwing stones.

Typical Nazionist Behavior

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Nothing better than a Korean laid egg tho

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

I scrolled past and thought somebody was handing them a cigarette

  1. KGB Wife
  2. hat
  3. Diamond Butt Plug
  4. Unlimited Crushable Kittens

Specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence – such as forced public stripping and nudity, sexual harassment including threats of rape, as well as sexual assault – comprise part of the Israeli Security Forces’ standard operating procedures toward Palestinians. 

Other forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including rape and violence to the genitals, were committed either under explicit orders or with implicit encouragement by Israel’s top civilian and military leadership, the report said. 

A climate of impunity also exists with regard to sexual and gender-based crimes committed by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, with the aim of instilling fear into the Palestinian community and expelling them. 

“The exculpatory statements and actions by Israeli leaders and the lack of effectiveness shown by the military justice system to prosecute cases and convict perpetrators send a clear message to members of the Israeli Security Forces that they can continue committing such acts without fear of accountability,” said Pillay. “In this context, accountability through the International Criminal Court and national courts, through their domestic law or exercising universal jurisdiction, is essential if the rule of law is to be upheld and victims awarded justice.”

Women and girls have died from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth due to the conditions imposed by the Israeli authorities which have denied access to reproductive health care - acts which amount to the crime against humanity of extermination.

The Commission found an increasing proportion of female fatalities in Gaza, which have occurred at an unprecedented scale as a result of an Israeli strategy of deliberately targeting residential buildings and using heavy explosives in densely populated areas. The Commission also documented cases in which women and girls of all ages, including maternity patients, were targeted - acts that constitute the crime against humanity of murder and the war crime of wilful killing.


Specific forms of sexual and gender-based violence – such as forced public stripping and nudity, sexual harassment including threats of rape, as well as sexual assault – comprise part of the Israeli Security Forces’ standard operating procedures toward Palestinians. 

Other forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including rape and violence to the genitals, were committed either under explicit orders or with implicit encouragement by Israel’s top civilian and military leadership, the report said. 

A climate of impunity also exists with regard to sexual and gender-based crimes committed by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, with the aim of instilling fear into the Palestinian community and expelling them. 

“The exculpatory statements and actions by Israeli leaders and the lack of effectiveness shown by the military justice system to prosecute cases and convict perpetrators send a clear message to members of the Israeli Security Forces that they can continue committing such acts without fear of accountability,” said Pillay. “In this context, accountability through the International Criminal Court and national courts, through their domestic law or exercising universal jurisdiction, is essential if the rule of law is to be upheld and victims awarded justice.”

Women and girls have died from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth due to the conditions imposed by the Israeli authorities which have denied access to reproductive health care - acts which amount to the crime against humanity of extermination.

The Commission found an increasing proportion of female fatalities in Gaza, which have occurred at an unprecedented scale as a result of an Israeli strategy of deliberately targeting residential buildings and using heavy explosives in densely populated areas. The Commission also documented cases in which women and girls of all ages, including maternity patients, were targeted - acts that constitute the crime against humanity of murder and the war crime of wilful killing.


“Just the growth has been kind of crazy for us,” said Howard, who named his company Texas Solar Sheep. “It’s been great for me and my family.”

Some agriculture experts say Howard's success reflects how solar farms have become a boon for some ranchers.

Reid Redden, a sheep farmer and solar vegetation manager in San Angelo, Texas, said a successful sheep business requires agricultural land that has become increasingly scarce.

“Solar grazing is probably the biggest opportunity that the sheep industry had in the United States in several generations,” Redden said.

The response to solar grazing has been overwhelmingly positive in rural communities near South Texas solar farms where Redden raises sheep for sites to use, he said.


WDJT-TV (CBS 58) defends Nazis.

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