They either have a Star Trek license and can't say so yet, or they are going to be sued into oblivion.
If you write it down and sell it you 100% do violate copyright
It's not difficult at all, and many editors and IDEs already support this, making the entire point moot. Just do whatever the style guide says. I'm into PHP and Python so for me it's spaces all the way.
We have per weight pricing on a lot of items in The Netherlands. It's great for comparing different items when you're in the supermarket, but doesn't really work against shrinkification. You simply don't remember the price-per-kg from last week.
Chin strap ftw
It depends. If it ends on a cliffhanger I will probably skip it. The real trick is trying to find out if a show ends on a cliffhanger or if it wraps up, without spoilering yourself.
Me too. I will not spend a single cent on Epic, but I'll happily buy Steam games.
They can still seize it, and hand out fines for the attempt to hide it too!
Feed your cats in the evening instead of in the morning
The people saying that are just pushing some other product in you.
Yes, the linked article does have images of Normany, but this is clearly Holland