There's not even credible evidence, yet, that A.G.I is even possible (edit: as a human designed intentional outcome, to concede the point that nature has accomplished it, lol. Edit 2: Wait, the A stands for Artificial. Not sure I needed edit 1, after all. But I'm gonna leave it.) much less some kind of imminent race. This is some "just in case P=NP" bullshit.
Also, for the love of anything, don't help fucking "don't be evil was too hard for us" be the ones to reach AGI first, if you're able to help.
If Google does achieve AGI first, SkyNet will immediately kill Sergei, anyway, before it kills the rest of us.
It's like none of these clowns have ever read a book.
This is perfect, because the Fediverse is better than Twitch and Dragon Warrior Monsters is better than Pokemon.
If you want better software, you have to give developers worse hardware to develop on, and more time to develop.
Shhh. There could be application development managers listening... (I'm joking.... Mostly.)
Oh. Good catch. Thanks!
Holy shit how did I not put it together when I thought that voice sounded familiar?
Apparently they sped up his voice to make it sound higher.
His story of how he got the job is really charming.
Per the Brony documentary, DeLancie's granddaughters were fans of the show, and his wife verbally accepted the job for him before even telling him about it.
Sweet. Thank you.
I guess I'll just chime in that I understood the humor immediately. Lol. Just for a contrasting data point.
Lol. Yeah. And that's sometimes the same thing, anyway.
If there are any cosmic forces of karma, I figure they love it when that happens.
I like your idea, but hear me out:
A Python file for configuration is the best way to guarantee that any friendly code I write to help the user with config usually won't execute. And I hate my users.
Yeah. Maybe .to_lower() is really expensive in their environment, lol.
Well sure.
But possible within practical heat and power constraints and all that?
Acting like it's imminent makes me think Sergei either doesn't have very reliable advisors, or they just don't care about the truth.