
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 hour ago

Well sure.

But possible within practical heat and power constraints and all that?

Acting like it's imminent makes me think Sergei either doesn't have very reliable advisors, or they just don't care about the truth.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (2 children)

There's not even credible evidence, yet, that A.G.I is even possible (edit: as a human designed intentional outcome, to concede the point that nature has accomplished it, lol. Edit 2: Wait, the A stands for Artificial. Not sure I needed edit 1, after all. But I'm gonna leave it.) much less some kind of imminent race. This is some "just in case P=NP" bullshit.

Also, for the love of anything, don't help fucking "don't be evil was too hard for us" be the ones to reach AGI first, if you're able to help.

If Google does achieve AGI first, SkyNet will immediately kill Sergei, anyway, before it kills the rest of us.

It's like none of these clowns have ever read a book.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

This is perfect, because the Fediverse is better than Twitch and Dragon Warrior Monsters is better than Pokemon.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

If you want better software, you have to give developers worse hardware to develop on, and more time to develop.

Shhh. There could be application development managers listening... (I'm joking.... Mostly.)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Oh. Good catch. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Holy shit how did I not put it together when I thought that voice sounded familiar?

Apparently they sped up his voice to make it sound higher.

His story of how he got the job is really charming.

Per the Brony documentary, DeLancie's granddaughters were fans of the show, and his wife verbally accepted the job for him before even telling him about it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago

Sweet. Thank you.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

I guess I'll just chime in that I understood the humor immediately. Lol. Just for a contrasting data point.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago

Lol. Yeah. And that's sometimes the same thing, anyway.

If there are any cosmic forces of karma, I figure they love it when that happens.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 13 hours ago

I like your idea, but hear me out:

A Python file for configuration is the best way to guarantee that any friendly code I write to help the user with config usually won't execute. And I hate my users.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 13 hours ago

Yeah. Maybe .to_lower() is really expensive in their environment, lol.


I got tired of having to search and sign up for wherever my favorite movie is streaming this month, so I'm going back to DVDs for the foreseeable future, until the streaming overlords get their shit together. So... maybe forever. But at least for now.

It's nice. I put a disc in, and press play, and it plays.

I hadn't quite realize how much messing around the streaming services had added to my movie nights.

(Recover password, verify my email, sign up with a credit card, authorize the TV, remove the old iPad because of a device limit, sign in at least one extra time for no certain reason, sometimes discover I chose the wrong service and start over.)


My commentary: An AI that can be trusted with sensitive information remains a tantalizing but unattainable "holy grail".

And a quote I love from the article:

"As long as machine learning and generative AI is being deployed in production systems, we predict a heartwarmingly lucrative job market in AI security."


Cory Doctorow details the path to the enshitifications of Facebook and Twitter.

"This is what changed: the collapse of market, government, and labor constraints, and IP law's criminalization of disenshittifying, interoperable add-ons. This is why Zuck, an eternal creep, is now letting his creep flag fly so proudly today. Not because he's a worse person, but because he understands that he can hurt his users and workers to benefit his shareholders without facing any consequences. Zuckerberg 2025 isn't the most evil Zuck, he's the most unconstrained Zuck."


Cory recommends a response for Canada to the USA's promised tariffs: break ranks on oppressive IP laws and build a local right-to-repair economy.

Edit: Corrected link. Sorry about that!

DropOut Sport (

Since Game Changer is the best thing that ever happened to game shows, I wonder if there's any chance we can get coverage of a recreational league sports team?

I don't even care what sport, and I don't care if it's not live.

Televised Pistol Shrimps games or some such would be a delightful addition.


This came across my GamingOnLinux feed, and I figured y'all might share my interest.

I'm excited for this dock release because my simple JSAUX HDMI dongle has always been a more reliable SteamDeck dock, for me, than my official SteamDeck dock.

I understand recent patches to the SteamDeck official dock may have solved many of the issues I was having.

But it's still cool to see a brand I already trust adding a targeted SteamDeck product.

I don't see whether it accounts for my habit of keeping my SteamDeck in a protective case, though.


I'm usually the one saying "AI is already as good as it's gonna get, for a long while."

This article, in contrast, is quotes from folks making the next AI generation - saying the same.

Ultimate Spider-Man (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Uh...I guess this is a public service announcement.

"Ultimate Spider-Man" is really good.

Core Concept

The Maker has remade a world with no heroes for his evil cabal to rule over.

Iron Lad sent a series of time machine gift bags to people who would have been heroes - including Peter Parker - giving them the option to bootstrap their life to their former heroic destiny.

This subverts my expectations, while offering new insights into established characters.

Detailed spoilers

  • J. Jonah Jameson is a better man with Ben Parker alive to mentor him
  • Harry Osborn is probably either batshit crazy or destined to be the greatest bromance in Peter's life...and maybe both.
  • Peter and MJs kids are adorable and perfect.
  • The comic completely fails to address how this version of Peter got his webbing, and the suit that Iron Lad provided is capable of an awfut lot of Venom's abilities...Might Iron Lad have cut a dangerous corner in his desperation?

"We need policies that keep middlemen weak."

stood out to me.

Many of my influences have railed against middle men, and I think that's unfair. I've worked with plenty of middle men that made everyone then better off.

I've also had the unique displeasure that at least half of all links shared with me in recent years have been to a site called "Instagram", where I am unable to access the content without an account (which I refuse to make because Zuckerberg is a creepy stalker.)

I find it deeply weird that such a locked ecosystem now controls so much attention.

I find Cory Doctorow's thoughts on the problem and potential solutions to be both hopeful and cathartic.

The Cult of Microsoft (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Kind of an inflammatory title, but I like to let it match for accessibility.

I've been enjoying Ed Zitron's articles lately, because they call out CEOs who aren't doing their jobs.

I'm sharing this partly because I'm honestly surprised to see criticism of Satya Nadella's leadership. I think Satya has been good for Microsoft, overall, compared to previous leaders. And I was as convinced as anyone else when the "growth mindset" first hit the news cycle. It sounds fine, after all.


  • Satya has baked "growth mindset deeply into the culture at Microsoft"
  • Folks outside of the original study authors have generally failed to reproduce evidence of any value in "growth mindset"
  • Microsoft is, of course "all in" on their own brand of AI tools, and their AI tools are doing the usual harmful barf, eat the barf, barf grosser barf, re-eat that barf data corruption cycle.
  • Some interesting speculation that none of the AI code flaunted by Microsoft and Google is probably high value. Which is a speculation I confidently share, but still, I think, speculation. (Lines-of-code is a bat shit insane way to measure engineer productivity, but some folks think it's okay when an AI is doing it.)

You might recognize me from such comments as "All AI hucksters are scammers.", and "AI is just an excuse to enshitify while laying off real engineers.", and "I actually use current generation LLMs for a bunch of things and it can be pretty great."

In this article science fiction author and futurist Cory Doctorow is on my favorite AI soap box, and raises some interesting points.

PSA - MineTest on SteamDeck (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

MineTest on a SteamDeck is so fun, y'all.

(Edit: MineTest is a free and open source game engine that started as a clone of Minecraft, and has grown to be that, and much more.)

I would have tried it sooner, if someone had mentioned it to me, so I'm mentioning it to you.

Edit: Disclaimer, I'm not the author of this blog. It's the walkthrough I followed to start playing.

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