Schumer was faced with a lose-lose, so he chose the losier-lose of agreeing with the Pricktator rather than the winnier-won of fighting fascism.
I think I alliterated all over myself.
Schumer was faced with a lose-lose, so he chose the losier-lose of agreeing with the Pricktator rather than the winnier-won of fighting fascism.
I think I alliterated all over myself.
I eat regular oatmeal every morning, made with water, but I microwave it. 1/4 tsp table salt, no sweetener of any kind; just oats, water, salt.
1.5 mins high, 3 mins 50%.
It's the key to my physical weakness and intellectually average ability.
Each day is a gift.
That's why they call it "the present"
I viscerally hate how gullible I am.
My wife's always, "That's probably not true," and I'm believing EVERYTHING.
How are you sleepless with that much flower?
Simple answers to complex questions is fast, and helps people quickly move into the phase where they're expending energy on "solutions" rather than debating the issue.
We're lazy. People are lazy - I know I am.
Something that's sufficiently removed from our everyday experience is mysterious, and (someone we trust) tells us that it will work? No questions, here we go!
ATC are career conditional for a LONG time. In many cases the people they fired were certified controllers, fully checked out and working airplanes by themselves.
When you're close to a system you see just how bad some things are, and how poorly and incorrectly "reporting" gets it. I imagine there are a LOT of government agencies being shut down by attrition that actually SAVE society money, compared to the cost of not having them.
Clown world. 🤡
I feel like they have really poor name recognition. And while Shapiro looks great and presidential, Blinkin has a real "off" kind of look to him.
Such a good rabbit hole. I miss him, but he left a lot behind.
It reminds me of Maus.
It's early yet, but I've got a glass of water down, and a cup of coffee, looking for another coffee.
Had a nice big bowl of oatmeal. I can feel the strength leaving my body.