
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 20 hours ago

Nota good fit for the sub. They’d have to share it elsewhere, I’m afraid.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

The rules are that they can’t take off or land unless everyone is properly seated.

The pooper was forcing the entire plane to remain in the air.

Many years ago I was on a plane that hadn’t taken off yet, and someone was in the bathroom. They couldn’t taxi until the person returned to their seat, and after several announcements, flight attendants wind up having to knock on the door so the person (who I assume at that point was hiding due to embarrassment) would return to their seat. We missed our takeoff window with ground control and had to wait an additional half hour to find another window. All of my flights connecting flights were delayed until it could land, but a severe storm blew through, grounding most of them for about an hour more.
In the world of flying, these sorts of small delays have unintended consequences with system-wide effects.

But the pilot featured here was beyond the pale. That was a grotesque and inappropriate response.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I sincerely hope they’re smart enough not to trigger that.

Someone posted an article elsewhere on the thread about China practicing “dogfighting” in space - which, after you remove the fear-mongering, is just them figuring out how to do satellite-satellite maneuvering. Still immense opportunity for runaway collisions, but it seems like the military applicability is more toward sabotage than blowing things up. I could definitely see a scenario where high value satellites have had small boosters affixed to them, their electronics tampered, or some other way of commandeering or de-orbiting them to deprive their owners of them. A microwave + laser could disable smaller sats from above, then ablate some of their exterior to sap momentum so gravity drops them in short order. (Maybe. That’s idle speculation, but generating the power and dissipating the heat in space could make that idea impossible.)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

That seems less concerning to me after reading the article.

Russia and the US are also known to conduct proximity operations to their own and other satellites, she added.
Referring to China’s operations as “dogfighting” in space is “not helpful” because it “automatically ascribes hostile intentions to activities that frankly the US also undertakes,” Samson added.

It’s concerning that they are developing the capability (which can be used in multiple ways) in the same way that any geopolitical rival developing capacity that competes is concerning, but “dogfighting” evokes the idea that China is planning to fly around and blow stuff up, in an irresponsible, Kessler syndrome-inducing way.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The same people who regularly give us uninspiring and insipid candidates to run against demagogues and repeatedly act surprised when they lose ground expect to gain control of a White House where the current president is treating democracy as if it’s an optional hindrance – expect to take power?

If nothing else, I admire their optimism.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

This is that “when they came for ____” moment when the people of the U.S. need to do something.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago

I hope they do. On purpose.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago (2 children)

This might make me sound kind of shitty, and I don’t care, but I lie about my productivity.

Can’t harness the ADHD superpowers for a project that has a 4-month timeline until the last two weeks, then bang it all out to perfection in a frenzied mania?
Every status update is ‘I’m making steady progress. I have x, y and x done, but I’m having struggles with this part of it, etc.” I don’t lie or misrepresent the actual state of my progress, but I do downplay how much work I get done while riding the rocket of ADHD productivity. And I also play up how much work I do while I’m stuck trying to squeeze some dopamine from the rocks in my head.

If I bang out a project early, I guesstimate what should be done when, and reveal those parts at status updates along the way.

Sure - I still know that I’m inconsistent, and perhaps not living up to my actual potential in every situation, but I also know that I can outperform everyone I work with when the fire has me. So rather than show the gaps, I mask and don’t deal with the guilt.
Personal belief - work is about value extraction from you. If you show that you’re not maximally providing value at all times, you could be subject to judgement. So, show that you’re working steadily and avoid the judgement.

In other words: Set the expectation and roll with that expectation. But let the ADHDemon loose a month before evaluations come due. Your boss forgets too, but the demon likes raises and will definitely give you dopamine for that prospect.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 days ago

I had this happen to me in my 30’s. (Sorta.)

Polyamory - a woman who hadn’t been taking on new partners started dating me. My other girlfriend’s husband began awkwardly pursuing her with no grace or finesse. It got awkward. An acquaintance learned that I was dating the second woman (who had also only recently gotten back into the scene), and began pursuing her.

It’s like some guys think that because a woman is available to one (well, two or three), she’s available to all. It felt very much like blood in the water to a shark.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I had not considered that as a possibility/did not know.

That definitely throws a wrench into the subscriber only idea - at least not without admin support.

I assume that most instances have some rule against vote manipulation. A complementary idea I had was to - for a set period, make a post restating the change and request that community members upvote it for visibility. Such as 1x post a week or what-have-you - varying the day to accommodate for folks on different schedules. (Workday folks, vs weekend folks, etc)
Definitely an option without the request for upvotes, regardless of instance rules, but perhaps without as much reach.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (4 children)

The difference is that I’ve only ever received notifications from automod as a reaction to something I did, and those notifications came in either as a comment reply or as a direct message.

I looked it up - the last time I interacted with this community was 5 months ago. I’m not a subscriber, either.

I can understand the importance of casting a wide net for awareness, but I think your scoping and your approach was wrong.

If I may offer a few suggestions - I don’t think the idea is wrong, but I think that the messages should have been direct messages to users that clearly explained why that individual user was receiving the message, plus whatever else you needed/wanted to say.
I would have had more rigid criterion for inclusion, too. Subscribers, certainly, and perhaps people who have interacted with the community a minimum number of times within a limited time period. For me, 3 times in 3 months seems generous enough to cast that wide net while also not being overly-broad.
So if I were executing this, I would have had the bot direct message people, and say “Hello, I’m a bot acting on the behalf of X community. You are receiving this message because you are a subscriber or have recently interacted with the community. We wanted to let you know that the community is moving! It can be found at Y.”

The bulk tagging action was, I think, especially egregious. Posts with massive amounts of tags are a very common spam technique and people automatically have a negative association with them. Pair that with non-specific criteria and relatively non-descriptive explanations, and I think it’s a perfectly reasonable thing for folks to have adverse reactions.

I hope that you consider the above as fair, and not overly critical. I’m not trying to throw stones. Everyone is human here. Well, except for the bot. But even it makes mistakes.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Ooooh, so scary!
They hide their work behind public websites, and make their decisions in shadowy public meetings that (mostly) can be joined and participated in online. All their secretive work is hidden behind publicly accessible docket systems, hearings that anyone can attend or join as an intervenor, and open workgroups. If that’s not enough evidence of a clear conspiracy, consider this: Anyone can use the deep state’s FOIA laws to file a freedom of information act request to get more information about any topic. OoOoOoOoO


I keep two old box knives in the kitchen junk drawer. One has a regular blade on it, and the other has a hooked blade because I think they’re safer and run less risk of damaging the stuff inside the box. But sometimes, you just need a regular box knife. They’re both old and handle rough, but they have seen a lot of use.

Last night I was painting. While trimming some masking tape against a hard edge I realized the blade on the regular box knife was a bit dull, so I went to change it. While flipping the blade around to the unused side, I noticed there were no more spare blades in the handle.

Today I bought a new pack of blades. They purport to be better quality and will stay sharper longer than the original set of blades that came with the knife, but I guess we’ll see how that holds up with use.
While adding the new blades into the handle, I decided to go ahead and clean up both knives - get all the tape residue out, and clean the internals. Then I gave the slightly rusty patina’d slide mechanisms a couple drops of 3-in-1 oil. I also gave the blades in the handle a drop along their sharp edges for good measure.

They open and close very satisfactorily now.

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