The rules are that they can’t take off or land unless everyone is properly seated.
The pooper was forcing the entire plane to remain in the air.
Many years ago I was on a plane that hadn’t taken off yet, and someone was in the bathroom. They couldn’t taxi until the person returned to their seat, and after several announcements, flight attendants wind up having to knock on the door so the person (who I assume at that point was hiding due to embarrassment) would return to their seat. We missed our takeoff window with ground control and had to wait an additional half hour to find another window. All of my flights connecting flights were delayed until it could land, but a severe storm blew through, grounding most of them for about an hour more.
In the world of flying, these sorts of small delays have unintended consequences with system-wide effects.
But the pilot featured here was beyond the pale. That was a grotesque and inappropriate response.
Nota good fit for the sub. They’d have to share it elsewhere, I’m afraid.