Microbial diversity in relation to space travel seems like such a huge issue to think about but no one talks about it that much it seems. I've been thinking recently that the most dangerous thing about any aliens making first contact by just landing in a field somewhere would be the pathogens we would exchange immediately. It's the pivotal moment in War of the Worlds, for instance, and I can't see any way to avoid it. I did suddenly realise recently, talking about that movie, that although everyone was completely on board with the aliens dying from our bugs, no one questioned why their bugs didn't kill us too?
Nah go for it! Loopholes welcome :)
Thank you. Just posted there as well :)
Played this from the day it came out in early access. Went off it because reasons. Had a quick look just now and oh my God... It's a completely different game and it looks awesome. Had to stop playing so I can block out some proper time to dive into into. Honestly it just looks so good... :)
Incredible. Watching him build, tweak and adjust and also just constantly come up with brilliant problem solves. I don't know anything about engineering but this was so much fun to watch :)
I quickly read through the article to check if anyone at Ubisoft Montreal or Quebec were being laid off... Assassin's Creed Odyssey was one of the most amazing games I've ever played. Those devs are bloody brilliant. Luckily it seems not.
Hang on... So could this title have also been written as "A majority of developers think generative AI isn't a negative for the games industry"?
Interesting point. However medieval cities with populations of 70-100k were not uncommon (like say Prague or Antwerp). The problem I'm talking about happens WAY before that. Like even at a couple of thousand things pretty obviously grind to a halt and the population becomes more and more miserable. It's just depressing because you do all this work and then nothing works and you can't do anything about it. In real life homes would be bought and sold as people needed to move to other areas which would solve the runaway commuting effect. Maybe what Foundation needs is an estate agent/realtor :)
I played this when it first came out and loved it so much. Unfortunately, as it developed it just went in a bunch of directions that made it less and less fun to play. I still try and play it occasionally but there's so much that gets in the way of enjoying it now. It feels like it got the "too many chefs" treatment and now it's just not anything like as much fun as it was. I'm not joking when I say it kind of broke my heart to see it basically loose it's way so much. It also still struggles with an issue they've never really resolved which is that when your town grows and your workers end up having to travel further and further away from their workplaces everything becomes inefficient. Every town I've made eventually spirals down into this issue and you can't just delete all the houses and force people to build homes nearer their workplaces cos it's insanely expensive and produces very unpredictable results. It's just a shame. TL;DR Used to be great but is kind of not great now (in my opinion of course. Your mileage may vary).
Hurt people hurt people.
I had a dream last night that aliens arrived in huge ships and just started blasting us from on high like they were just disinfecting the planet. It was quite vivid and reminded me that this is probably the most likely scenario lol