That’s super cool! I’ve been wanting to setup an offsite backup rig at my parents place and using an old phone to run it would be super ideal but I just don’t have any hardware that’s compatible with postmarketOS. Maybe one day ill bite the bullet and just buy a compatible used phone to do it with.
Running FOSS on closed source systems. Classic.
Obvious bad faith argument; I'm not going to waste my time engaging with you any further.
Yes, it’s totally the voters fault and has nothing to do with the broken system that is kept in place by powerful corporations bribing (lobbying) those in charge to keep the system broken for their own benefit and profit. You fucking donkey.
First world countries have this thing called universal healthcare for their citizens.
See, I used to remember being able to go outside and play during the summer when I was a kid. Now days it seems like of you dare go outside in the summer you'll be a puddle of sweat within 30mins.
Just leave it on. Lock the screen and walk away.
Exactly. I was about to rip my hair out before I thought to check my UEFI settings.
Reminds me of that time I updated my UEFI firmware which automatically re-enabled secure boot which caused my Nvidia driver to fail to load on boot because Nvidia doesn't sign them so I was stuck with the noveau(spelling?) driver which would crash when I tried to log into my DE. What an adventure figuring that out was. Oh, and the cherry on top: updating the firmware didn't fix the initial issue I was troubleshooting.
If I didn't need a large amount of storage I'd totally do this. As it stands it's hard or prohibitively expensive to get 30TB of storage connected to a laptop with reasonable read/write speeds.
Makes me think of the game "Smushi Come Home"
But it's not ready because insert niche use case that only applies to me and no, I will not seek out open source alternatives to insert closed source software