People who are proud of their gear post it.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
A collection of some classic Lemmy memes for your enjoyment
People who are proud of their gear post it.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
We use containers now btw
My home lab is my windows gaming PC running containers on a Ubuntu VM as a guest os in Hyper-V.
We are all over the shop.
I run a cluster of VMs that run kubernetes and manage those VMs with containers that run Terraform and ansible. Along with baremetal RISC-V workflows and ASICs.
A tool is a tool and one should pick what works for them.
I keep my laptop in a bookbag thanks.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
That's probably me. Blame it to working with automation systems that span from the early 90s to present day.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
That's probably me. Blame it to working with automation systems that span from the early 90s to present day.
PTSD flashbacks of trying to get CFEngine configured for deploying Windows 2k, Redhat 3 and Solaris 8 lmao.
I want to hear from them because that's the setup I'm aiming for.
Where are you all discussing your shit so I can eavesdrop and steal ansible playbooks?
it's the reason people post pictures of their cyber truck which can't move when it snows while my ford has been plowing out neighbors since '97.
I also host my stuff on oscilloscopes.
That pic looks very much like the corner of a memory validation lab I worked in at one point. Wouldn't surprise me at all if someone who's really into server hardware had a home setup like that.
Doing something scrappy with an old laptop is cool. Hey, built in UPS if the battery still works!
Doing something powerful and reliable with server class hardware is also very cool.
If it is meeting your needs, I'm happy for you.
Sorry to tell you I never had a battery
It even has an integrated UPS.
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Missing a Raspberry PI 4 setup which hosts a print server, an RTP server with two surveillance webcams and no password, and also seeds a terabyte of torrents over the local flower shop's unencrypted WiFi.
Wow, that was a journey... :)
I just have an old laptop with a tui screen saver on it to prevent burn
also, the ssd doesn't work with linux so i have to put the os on a usb stick
Poverty computing takes more balls. Like yeah, you got a nice Plex server and you can play Skyrim at max setting because you can afford a big NAS and a nice graphic card - no skills needed. I’m spending two hours trying to get the Sims to work on a fifteen year old laptop that I don’t think can even run a DE or running Puppy Linux off USB while waiting to afford a new hard drive.
BRB just making a backup
I have an overkill hardware setup because it’s fun. No I don’t really need 4 servers in a Proxmox cluster with 64GB RAM each.. but it’s cool lol. Besides the hardware was just gonna become ewaste anyway, I’m repurposing it
How did you get multiple 64 GB RAM sticks that would've been ewaste?
As it's obsolete server hardware, I'm guessing each one has a bunch of low capacity ram sticks in it. And they're probably not the regular consumer grade stuff, but some other spec.
Just because you can afford to lose your weird niche fetish porn doesn't mean I can afford to lose my calendar and contacts
Wow look at Mr FancyPants over there, your server has a screen, I just got something (RPi) the size of a matchbox! /s
Overkill is underrated.
I mean you aren't going to host 100tb of porn in that laptop.....yet 😘
Racks? None
Screens? Attached
Fans? Full blast
Oh yeah, it's server laptop time
Less power is more power!
this is also my work machine and i sleep to the fans whirring
Yes my Plex server is a W520 and it shuts itself down at night because it's in the bedroom and the fans are too loud.
Modern tech is so wasteful. Why'd you ever need all that stuff for.
Back in the day I used to host all my stuff on a dinky little router (ASUS Wl500g, 300mhz 32MB RAM) with a powered USB hub and a spare USB HDD hooked to it. It handled downloading torrents overnight, hosted a few websites, an FTP/SAMBA server, an image/screenshots hosting and galleries for me and my friends, including that one script that generated a GIF of all my epic gamer stats on each access, a couple of bots, sent me weather reports via SMS, hosted a webcam to be used as IP security camera, and also a dumb printer so that it could be used by anyone on the network, besides working as my actual router.
When it died* I moved all that stuff to an old UMPC. And nowadays, I host my shit on $30 smartwatches with Termux.
Meanwhile, one of the commercial projects I've been working with lately, which is basically just a glorified image dump, with all the modern bells and whistles, doesn't even launch if the machine has less than 32GB RAM... smh
EDIT: * It was the HDD that died, the router itself is still chugging along, but with less duties as just a network switch for less demanding appliances
Because we forgot optimization in a world that celebrates maximalists and constant upgrades to feed shopping addictions that make people feel more in control of their space in a world with less and less opportunities for self determination.
When I remember I was the cool kid for having a 4GB flash drive that could fit all of my call of duty game and homework and I look at the 560GB games now that aren't even as fun to play I think we have made some mistakes along the way that instead of prioritizing the experience of life we prioritize the ease of it.
Sometimes it's fun to go nuts!
I wonder how easy it is to get used server racks, and how cheap they are 🤔
I reckon the electricity is the real killer (and the noise!)
Definitely the noise. Jesus Christ the noise...
I found one on craigslist. Half rack fully enclosed with door on front and back for $200. Had an UPS in the bottom that didn't work... it just needed new batteries lol.
Have a truck on hand to pick up and you can find a bargain.
Some people actually have the services they host get used by other people.
My (family's) Homeserver is my dad's old gaming rig from ~2014
I just put an 8 TB Hard Drive in it and set it up as a combination Emby Server and ghetto "NAS".
I just bought a whole new 8th gen Intel setup to be my main PC. So I could use my 4770 as a Plex server.
Nothing ever dies in my house, Just Machines for the machine gods.
To be completely fair, it's hard to overstate the durability of an old Thinkpad. They're so ubiquitous, Linux compatibility is almost guaranteed. Then, after the battery goes, attach it to a UPC and ride that setup for another decade at least.
How are you going to know the internet is working with thet few blinking LEDs?
Working hardware is working hardware; form factor doesn't really matter.
My primary DNS server is a rpi.
Who says it's overkill?
That said I literally started selfhosting on a Thinkpad W520. With the full 32 gigs of ram it ran ESXI great. Plus you can't beat a built in UPS.
I was going to buy a mini PC to run along with it when I needed more, but I just opted to take old desktop parts and combine my NAS with everything else.
Embracing constraints makes you learn fast. I bet you could teach enterprise sysadmins a few things about performance monitoring and optimization.
Best I can do is Samsung galaxy A71 with lineage os.