Yeah right, only? I mean it's not a good decision politically, but also no longer economically sound, you might want to sell it down the road, to whom, and for what price?
I enjoy gardening.
Trump’s Ukraine betrayal will have terrible consequences.
Besides all the good advice in the thread, about condoms:
He should be somewhat comfortable with putting on condoms, he has to train that before it becomes necessary. There are plenty of videos explaining it, let him find them and check them out on his own terms. Let him know not every brand fits every man. He will need to overcome the awkwardness of buying them in drug stores or supermarkets, if he finds it awkward at all, he has to get over himself and do it. A possible motivation could be that if girls can buy their period products, he can buy his dick wraps.
I find it very commendable that you think about this problem!
Talked to two Japanese students who went to Europe because they hated their home country, like you do. Both were adamant they would have become a number in the suicide statistic if they wouldn't have gotten out of the country. They didn't plan on returning, ever.
Just saying there is a way out, I guess that's what I thought was needed to be said.
So. They got only one alive, of 1000 or possibly 3000 casualties.
Continue your thoughts:
Why don't women hold the same positions? Why should they have less experience? Why wouldn't they work the same hours?
Yeah, that was my first thought as well when I first encountered this problem some time ago, however in Germany
the difference between hourly wages is 18% on average,
the difference in pay for the same work is 6%.
Official government source in German,(25%2C30%20Euro).
And 3) if education, hours worked, age and type of job indeed is the main factor, we should maybe ask ourselves why this is so and if it has to be this way, e. g. why female dominated jobs pay less.
That is some sexist bullshit and if you allow, I'll remain angry.
Pure sexism, institutionalized and probably very personal as well. This is making me super angry, I think it's truly a shame for the nation. The historical data makes me even angrier, seeing how we improved substantially only to still end up with such a high pay gap.
Mädels, macht mal ne Revolution! Ich unterstütze Euch!
It's basic state theory, I believe we had that in middle school, along with the division of power. I mentioned the US exception because if you went to school there, your basic state theory might have been different from mine.
The monopoly on the use of force is quite the important part of having a state at all. If a state doesn't have that, it descends into anarchy (the bad kind, with warlords and gangs). The US is very exceptional in this case as it has in its constitution the provision that such gangs (militia) are allowed, even desirable.
Is this not fairly likely in the US with Mexican Spanish or/and Canadian/Cajun French?
Yeah, so as I understand it, the US is able to have this huge trade imbalance because they can pay for their imports in currency they can print themselves, and other central banks will take the dollars because it's the reserve currency and because petrol products are traded in dollars. It is a rather delicate balance, that allows the US to consume with unlimited credit, that will work as long as others want dollars.
I understand how other economies would like to break this relationship and get in on the putting everything on the credit card, or to break it just so that the US doesn't have so much economic power over the world.
What I don't understand is how an American, much less the president himself, would want this balance upset. Even as a European, I believe it's in my economic interest that the Americans consume.
Do I have a better understanding of this than the American government??