
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

Was looking for this. I love my pink barrel F-301’s.

[–] 23 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Stupid fucks. Got what he deserved.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

Is it really a good one though?

[–] 4 points 1 month ago


[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Do what I did: Google “what is delulu”

[–] 18 points 1 month ago

Yeah ok there buddy 🙄

[–] 37 points 1 month ago (18 children)
[–] 21 points 1 month ago

My mom made no such effort, and gave up on calling me Jessica a couple of years ago. I’d cry my eyes out if she had sent me what your dad sent you. I know that she loves and cares about me, but she also refuses to see me as how I truly am. It’s such an odd experience, hurtful at many times. But she also bought me a car last year, and has offered to help me bridge the gap when I was off work for 2 weeks due to an injury. In spite of her non-support, I love her dearly.

What I’m getting at is that familial relationships are nuanced. Give your dad some credit for taking the time to research what being trans is about. Of course there is more to it than just the medical side of things, but he is trying.

Your age also factors into this as well.

My stepfather made several transphobic statements while he was alive. If he was still with us, I’d bet his conservative worldview would have changed a bit. I still hold him in high regard, because I know that he loved me and just wanted what he thought was best.

TL;DR: Family relationships are hard, and it seems like your dad is trying.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Without knowing the nuances of OP’s relationship with their father, it would seem that dad is trying. That text sounds like someone who did a lot of research and is trying to show that they cared enough to read up on the trans experience. Whether that leads to acceptance is something only OP will know or at least have an idea of.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Come on now. Having therapy should not be a requirement, but it should be encouraged. When someone has the courage to come out as trans, it can be a very difficult time. Having a professional that helps people who experience gender dysphoria can be a life saver. How many trans people have to go it alone in the beginning of their journey? If they have the means, I’d recommend it. Just reading studies or participating in trans spaces, for some folks, is not enough.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

If only there were. For now, we’ll just have to let Donald “I’m a convicted felon” Trump do whatever he wants.


I like making music on my iPhone with GarageBand. Working within the limits makes for some interesting results. Obviously mastering is a bit difficult, but I got my music to where I enjoy it, and I hope others will too.

I’m on Apple Music with my first release. I’m just waiting for the other streaming platforms to release it as well.

I’d love feedback/criticism! I suppose my “schtick” is that I make mobile music, so bear that in mind.

Eventually I’ll learn how to use software on my Mac to produce, but for now am content with the setup I use.

I hope this is OK to post here.


! removed my post, without any sort of notification, which is lame and annoying.

Here is the original text, copied verbatim:

Something is going on with Samsung TV's voice assistant

My TV has suddenly started to interpret voice commands as if I was speaking Russian. Users on Samsungs community forum are reporting the same issue. There are users on Reddit who are also reporting the same issue.

A quick google search shows that this is worldwide, and that it started somewhere between 3-5 days ago.

What the hell is going on, Samsung?

(I am not seeking tech support or advice, just raising awareness to what is hopefully a benign problem.)


I’m off until at least 5 Feb due to a boxers fracture. I’m getting sick of TV and movies. Today I’ll clean my apartment, but even with my busted hand it will only take a couple of hours. I can’t really go anywhere as I need to save as much money as I can to cover for missed time at work.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  • Solve Rubik’s cubes
  • Work on music production
  • Sleep

Thing I probably should do:

  • Continue to learn Swift
  • Follow makeup tutorials

Lemmy, what would you do?

EDIT: Keep ‘em coming Lemmsters! I LOVE the suggestions, and can’t wait to give some of these a go!


THE best K-Ci & JoJo song there is! This is one of my go-to songs when we sing karaoke.


There is another post for this song, however it is the remix. I prefer the original, so here it is 🙂


Looking through the history looks a bit suspicious. Even if the questionable bids were removed, it’s still likely to be 100k+ for the username!

Edit: Closer to $15k right now lol.


The metal is smooth, but not shiny. It is super bendable. As soon as I realized what it was, I stopped handling it and washed my hands.

Lead is heavy, but seems such an odd choice for a weight in a consumer device. It must have been cheaper or even free.

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