Box64 my beloved (performance my downfall😔)
Like arm compatible? Imma have to look into this more dayum
I'm just saying people enjoy a game idk what youre gaining from gatekeeping that.
Saying something is just for kids is the only stupid thing I'm hearing tbh, adults are allowed to have fun
So sometimes the most profitable quarterly isn't the best thing to do?
Minions were made TO BE DUMB, Minecraft is the most popular game in the world MADE DUMB FOR PROFIT - there's a massive difference and blaming the people mad not the problem is pretty stupid
If were going average or median I would be genuinely surprised if it was under 20 ngl.
They advertise to kids cause kids and adults buy it then, advertise to adults and youre just cutting off part of your market - companies aren't so super sterilised these days cause today's youth are just super loaded
Smartest american be like
And depends on the thermal mass you got in there, a bit of planning with some water jugs can go a long way
(Important to note they will expand in the freezer so leave some air space in the jug)
I mean hey they're all a mod of the compiler if you look deep enough
It is a bit of a walking simulator though
There's a fork I forget the name of (pollymc?) That removes the account requirement as well
As someone with a chemistry background I'm surprised you think the industry even takes half these precautions for our current drugs.
Not even talking about 'state of the art' meds here were talking the plastics from cars that've been around since the 60's is under studied (but hey its sponsored by oil money so its 'safer')
I'm dripping wet