Most "film grain" is just additive noise akin to digital camera noise. I've modded a bunch of games for HDR (RenoDX creator) and I strip it from almost every game because it's unbearable. I have a custom film grain that mimic real film and at low levels it's imperceptible and acts as a dithering tool to improve gradients (remove banding). For some games that emulate a film look sometimes the (proper) film grain lends to the the look.
Bad effects are bad.
I used to hate film grain and then did the research for implementing myself, digging up old research papers on how It works at a scientific level. I ended up implementing a custom film grain in Starfield Luma and RenoDX. I actually like it and it has a level of "je ne sais quoi" that clicks in my brain that feels like film.
The gist is that everyone just does additive random noise which raises black floor and dirties the image. Film grain is perceptual which acts like cracks in the "dots" that compose an image. It's not something to be "scanned" or overlayed (which gives a dirty screen effect).
Related, motion blur is how we see things in real life. Our eyes have a certain level of blur/shutter speed and games can have a soap opera effect. I've only seen per-object motion blur look decent, but fullscreen is just weird, IMO.
Went to Chili's and the guac for the Bacon Ranch Quesadillas is now an extra $2.
You remember Steve from IT? The only one who knew how to manage our backend infrastructure? Well, after that unfortunate plane crash, we uploaded the entire contents of his laptop, cellphone, and personal cloud to an artificial AI. We were able to revive him to bring him back. Even better now, because we have him resurrected in simulated form, he now exists in a perpetual state of working at the office and no longer needs to go home to rest or be with his family. That means with the new 24x7 productivity, we are expecting increased profits for this next quarter.
Created by Charlie Brooker of Black Mirror fame? Okay, I'm in.
Now do one for Zelenskyy
Puzzle #624
Affording to the bot 55% of first attempts got yellow wrong. That's what happens when you put 5 words that mean the same thing. Bad puzzle today.
28% picking the wrong 4 and 20% another wrong 4. And 16% getting the correct 4. 4% and 3% for the final variations.
Edit: Though I guess, to be fair, I was supposed to avoid the category and come back to it later. But yellow is supposed to be the freebie.
Was he talking about Zelenskyy?
Exactly. Is it really loyalty when you only have one option?
I suggest against it. Just use JSDocs syntax and typescript (the CLI and VSCode checker) will check it. No need to use transcompiler anymore. It was more useful when JS itself was more ES5 based and CommonJS.
Using something like esbuild will get you minification if you want it, but it's only for deployment, not actually needed for runtime. Having pure JS code is much easier to work with and debug.