
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

I recommend Mad Routine.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Not to fifty!

[–] 24 points 3 hours ago (5 children)

Again with the short notice. Y'all, people have jobs, people have families. Arrangements have to be made and contingencies have to be planned. Where will you stay? What if you get arrested? Who's going to watch your kids?

If you want good participation, especially with such high numbers, you can't just give people two weeks notice.

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago

There's a whole host of tradwives to choose from.

[–] 2 points 18 hours ago

The appropriate explanation is, "I don't believe you." Just because somebody believes something strongly and has a story doesn't make it real.

"But I saw my cousin levitate when we were all praying once! My mom agrees that it happened! Surely that must be God!" Or a demon. Or a freak, natural phenomenon that we have yet to document. Or aliens. Or Loki. Do you see why "I'm not lying" isn't enough to prove a miracle? Christians have to explain why it's their god, why it's their rationale that should be taken as fact. If they can demonstrate their claims in front of a camera, sensors, etc., then we can begin to investigate the truth value of their claims. If they can't reproduce their magic, why should anyone take it seriously?

And that's the problem. The minute you bring out actual scientists, set up actual studies, and start really probing, the miracles can never stand up to scrutiny. Ever. Here's an example:

You don't have to say people are delusional. You can simply demand better evidence than testimony, and you should.

[–] 18 points 1 day ago

That statement perfectly encapsulates the problem. The Senator (I'm sure knowingly) is presenting her preferred version of Christianity, which includes the Ten Commandments and Christian prayer forced upon children. Because it's her version, it's the "right one."

Of course, anyone who does even a surface level of research knows that Christianity is full of varied experiences and interpretations. Many versions do not include the ten commandments as necessary guidance, and many do not believe in performative prayer or prayer that is not from the heart.

But the purpose is control, so all of that nuance is worth a hill of beans to people like the Senator. Christians who don't fall in line are no better than non-believers to them.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

To be fair, these "AI" can only wish they were half as intelligent as the ones in our stories

[–] 9 points 2 days ago

That's not a particularly novel sentiment. Even in times of relative security, peace, and growth, there have been people who feel crushed by life. Grandpa wasn't predicting anything someone skilled in cold reading couldn't have also "predicted."

It was just him saying, "I know life may get hard one day. I know, because I've lived through hard times, too. So, here's a farm..." In that way, it's a timeless sentiment that can apply to anyone at virtually any time.

And like working on the farm, we will all work together to get through the coming years.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago
  1. It doesn't. I'm with you there.
  2. Many countries in Europe have very strong anti-defamation laws, unlike in the US. What you are allowed to say about people is very different from what you are allowed to say about practically anything else. Since OpenAI is in control of the model, it is their responsibility to ensure it doesn't produce results like these.
[–] 12 points 3 days ago

Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, turnip, turnip

Worm! A worm! Oh, it's a worm...!


I've been doing this for a while, but it's a problem I've never solved. Dunno if it's my crust recipe or something I need to do during construction.

The recipe is as follows:

  • 1c water, 120°F
  • 1 packet dry active yeast (2.25tsp)
  • 1Tbsp granulated sugar
  • 2Tbsp olive oil
  • 3.5C white flour
  • 1tsp salt
  1. Mix the yeast and sugar in the warm water, wait to bloom
  2. Add everything else and mix into dough.
  3. Knead, proof
  4. Roll out, transfer to pan
  5. Second proof (optional)
  6. Preheat oven to 425°F
  7. Construct pizza with favorite toppings
  8. Bake at 425°F for 15min or until cheese is sufficiently browned

Step 7 usually has jarred marinara, meats (except pepperoni), spices, and cheese, and all the veggies (and pepperoni) go on top.

Still, the very middle part of the pizza ends up a little doughy, just where the sauce meets the crust. The outside of the pizza is just fine, but the only thing I can think is that the sauce is adding too much water. Do I need to add a layer of oil before the sauce, or should I try to reduce the sauce before adding it? Should I reduce the temp and increase the time?


Edit: Everyone has had some great ideas. I'll have plenty to try!


So, I use, and I'm slowly trying to de-google my life, but I ran into a service last night that rejected my email alias: Steam. So as of now, it's still stuck on Google.

I'm also using Tuta, but I'd like to avoid handing that address out to any online services if possible. What's the best option here?

Here's some ideas I had:

  • Keep using that old Google address but filter specific senders and forward them to the alias I want to use.
  • Set up a new email on Proton or and use that to forward to my chosen aliases.

Is there perhaps a better or different way to have aliases for services that reject them?


Was reading this article, and it got me thinking. There's lots of people who are happy to complain at length, but what if we made it a point to pick a particular day each year to express our collective gratitude for the work people do for FOSS?

Whether in the form of donations or kind words (maybe even joining a project), it might be something that helps keep people going on the things they love but for which they don't get a lot of appreciation.

Curious to hear y'all's thoughts.

Edit: Someone mentioned I Love Free Software Day, which is cool that it exists. I like the idea behind it, but I'm hesitant to piggyback upon a well-known holiday, for fear of being wholly overshadowed (Valentine's Day is already stressful enough for some people).


I said I'd post photos when I got everything working, so here's my penultimate build!

It's penultimate, because I need to get an active cooler for the NVME drive nestled above the GPU, but otherwise, this build is basically in its final form.


cross-posted from:

Regression was introduced in 2015. It was patched in Feb 2024.


My SO and I have some contractors coming out to install new windows throughout our home. They will be here for around two days.

SO says that when they were growing up in the Deep South, it was expected that you would provide lunch for the workers if it was a multi-day job. Is that still a thing? What's the proper etiquette in Texas?


My Big Shuriken 3 isn't really sufficient for my new 5700X3D, even with undervolting, so I'm upgrading to the Phantom Spirit 120 SE. I've seen elsewhere that some people claim that the SE and the Normal/EVO versions are the same height, and the 154mm height noted by Thermalright is coldplate to fin.

Well, here's what seems to me to be definitive proof that the SE is indeed shorter than its capped siblings. The 154mm seems to be coldplate to pipe tip. Note that this is not my image; I'm just sharing for anyone's future reference.

The new cooler will be going into an NR200 (non-P, non-Max), and it will be paired with the aforementioned CPU on a Gigabyte B550I Aorus Pro AX. It seems to be the same overall shape and tower offset as the Peerless Assassin, so I'm expecting it to fit similarly. Will post pictures when everything is installed and working.


A brilliant, introspective summary of how single-issue voting got us here and how it won't save anyone.

The system sucks, but please, be pragmatic. Vote for Harris, hold the Dems accountable, and donate to STAR and Ranked Choice Voting initiatives in your area to avoid this dilemma in the future.

Twenty years ago, I made a choice that left the world a distorted echo of what it could be.

Twenty years from now, you too will reap what you sow.


The "Pro-Life" Party, everyone. SMH


At a campaign event over the weekend in Fort Worth, Texas, hundreds of Allred’s supporters broke out in raucous applause when he vowed to protect a woman’s right to an abortion. “When I’m in the Senate, we’re going to restore Roe v. Wade,” Allred said.

Please vote, y'all. There's more at stake than just a presidency.


cross-posted from:

State constitutional rights to abortion are on the ballot in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota.

Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Wisconsin have initiatives on the ballot to ban noncitizens from voting. It's already illegal, but the initiatives will probably be used to harass and disenfranchise minorities and activists, if they pass.

Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, D.C., Alaska, and Missouri will vote to adopt or prohibit ranked choice voting.

Alaska, California, Massachusetts, and Missouri will vote to adopt a $15-18 minimum wage.

And so on. Ballotpedia has a complete list.

Go register to vote, or check your registration if you've already registered.


I'm saving up to get a 5700X3D around Christmas, upgrading from a 5600G, but I want to make sure I prepare properly before I do the swap.

The RAM I bought couldn't match the C18 @ 4000 M/Ts advertised and still remain stable, but I managed to manually overclock to C16 @ 3666. Should I drop to JDEC specs before I upgrade, or is it a non-issue?

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