When can I buy the toothpaste?
Bless + Reckless Attack + Magic Weapon + Ratio + L
Yakuza 0 hands down. Some of the side stories had me in stitches.
No faith of the heart
No strength of the soul
Why live?
Stealing these tools for my upcoming Savage Worlds game 👀
Eat more is usually the correct advice there. If you're used to eating at a low maintenance intake it can be very difficult to actually get used to eating a surplus of calories, so you end up feeling full and eating way less than you think. Count them calories.
I've had success with drinking calories (big thousand calorie shakes) and spreading out meals/snacks every 2 hours.
Did they make that church as evil looking as possible on purpose? Looks like the legion of fucking doom.
My scrawny ass, turning my banana smoothies into 1,000 calorie shakes to get gains:
WebP is magic.
It already doesn't if you take the time to use tools like LORAS, Controlnet, and Inpainting to guide the output.
Me with my HD598s with a modmic and Bluetooth DAC zip tied to the headband: