I bought an 8bitdo ultimate Bluetooth controller (also supports 2.4ghz transceiver). It pairs with my switch and my Linux system effortlessly and works great.
I believe the button mapping is backwards from what I see in games (push b to confirm choices, but it's really a). But I rely more on muscle memory anyway.
Why are you holding a turd?
I attended my first protest the other day and I was cringing nearly the whole time. That whole scene needs better organization, less rambling / more professional sounding speakers, and an image overhaul.
I doubt it. There are way more error states than there are good states.
If you can get bankrupted by an illness, you're not rich.
That we can't afford to use because we don't have a safety net.
My net worth is probably just under half a million but I'll be working until I'm over 70 if I want to be able to pass anything useful down to my kids.
I have one with special needs that likely won't be able to work, much less manage a portfolio.Without my help he could be homeless soon after I pass.
Those assholes are at NOAA now. People could die if they stop their tornado predictions
If you're already getting enough sleep then I'd actually recommend exercise. Just two or three times a week, work up a good sweat for thirty minutes. Don't beat yourself up if you forget or don't do it for any reason, just try again the next time.
My upper middle class family in Houston drinks it all the time. Yes they're all die hard conservatives.
It can actually be a lot of work to do this. Researching species appropriate to the biome and removing invasive ones