Crazy that I've been downvoted for offering factual help, while the comment which is provably incorrect is up voted
It's very basic 'think of the children' rhetoric.
Our emotions are more easily manipulated in this way, because generally people are hard wired to protect babies and children.
So by associating trans people with paedophiles, right wingers are able to more easily hijack into what would otherwise be rational people. It also makes it more difficult to debate against because nobody wants to be labelled as someone who wants to hurt kids.
My immediate thought is that it's not the action of smoking cannabis causing these cavities, instead...
It's fairly commonly accepted that habitual cannabis use can lead to demotivation. I'm a very regular dry herb vaper and with exception of a few strains, I have to make a great effort to make sure I do daily tasks when I'm high.
I'd also suggest that ppl who are self medicating due to depression are less likely to brush their teeth twice a day. Finally, perhaps cannabis users are more likely to consume sugary snacks?
In a nutshell, these findings don't surprise me! But I would be surprised if cannabis was causative and not just a correlated factor.
I've been playing Control on and off since 2019... I finally completed it this week.
There was always something that halted my progress... Frustration with the map, boredom with progression, unfixable crashing. Decided to give it one more go on a new gpu and finally it clicked :)
Now I'm doing all the awesome post game content.
I hear you. This latest expedition is the first one I've ever skipped, I find sport fishing IRL very boring (and a bit cruel) so the idea of adding a boring activity to a game I'm already quite bored with really missed me.
I hope they do something truly momentous down the line with this game, the bones have SO much potential! Imo adding some sort of way for players to make their own quests & activities would be a huge boost and could be done without too much reworking of the code.
I could be wrong, but I'm not sure what you want is possible.
As I understand it, planet generation all comes from a singular initial seed. So it's probably much more complex than editing your save file, which will contain info about your specific save like inventory contents, ships owned, words learned etc.
I hope they do add terraforming, it would be really cool, but if I've correctly understood the way the proc gen works... Difficult to implement. This is why an update to the proc gen changes all the planets (initial seed).
For years I was adamant that I didn't like ambient, I think because I'd only been exposed to very boring drone stuff. Then I discovered Solar Fields / Carbon Based Lifeforms and it changed my musical world.
I'm quite horrible at self-promo so sadly it's just gathering digital dust, but after 20+ years of writing dance music for myself and others, I decided to get heavily into writing ambient / chill. Made a load of trippy animation videos and setup a youtube... if you love Solar Fields, without meaning to sound bigheaded I think you'd enjoy them.
It's worse than that. Iirc everytime republicans gain 2 out of 3 of Congress / Senate / president, they rip up enough regulations to cause a global recession.
Thanks, America for taking a shit on the world. Again.