We need to organize politically or he will never see a cell and instead be our overlord.
I'd rather see Elon spend life in Solitary Confinement. It would be the ultimate irony that the same government he did his best destroy takes away his freedom for life.
He should have it worse than the average prisoner though. Padded white cell with nothing in it, and maybe he has to wear a straight jacket on the weekends. He'll also only eat Nutraloaf.
Love how he thinks the idea of taxing the rich is so ridiculous that merely repeating it back to the audience is a counter argument.
We really need to get the money out of politics.
It is a good came I just got tired of it due to the constant inventory management and the rapid day night cycle making me feel like I had to speed run everything.
Besides that the art, music, controls, and, aesthetic are all wonderful.
A bag of frozen peas's is smarter than some of these Trump followers. Even half a frozen pea is.
Everytime I see our local cyber truck I hope someone vandalizes it.
Yeah, I did it one the lemm.ee site
I found out how to do. Thank you though.
Those people are hero's. Happy to see people are fighting back.
Hopefully she will run for his seat in the future.
Wow I wonder if I can even find it on the keyboard‽
took quite a while lol.