My friend was going for a run one day in the park holding her phone in her hand which she was using to play music. A guy jumped out at her and karate chopped her arm which held the phone, but she didn't drop it. He stood there kind of perplexed what to do next, as did she. Then she said "SERIOUSLY??", which kind of woke the guy up again. He started to reach into his pocket for something, so she turned around and bolted. The guy didn't chase her.
A big part of my job is API integrations. The most infuriating one I deal with is a startup who keeps adding new properties with property names randomly being pascal case, camel case, or snake case. Especially when the same property is one case on a request model and different on the response.
Not sure if I'm being whooshed, but Consumption refers to Tuberculosis
Descending the stairwell to escape a fire during the "Run Away" verse could be funny
You have to put a quarter in the ambulance before it will drive you to the hospital
This is the funniest shit I've seen on here in a long time
I appreciate how chill the handyman is about the whole situation
Lol 2016 strategy vibes
Terms of enrampagement
I host an ever growing system in the cloud. Everything you build needs to be maintained and monitored, and the more users you have, the more features they demand.
You can still spread cost out across more users, but it's not like the software is just "done" and sits there being used
I understand. It was a joke poking fun at those who really think that way. Thank you for helping people.